Sunday, December 30, 2012


Alois Kolar

We know for a long time that Mother Nature gives us everything we need to live a healthy life and that there are all sorts of natural foods do not cause disease.

This kind of food is food for which we are naturally adapted, which offered to us an normal sexual appetite, in comparison with average people who literally eats everything and there lies a problem...

Leaving a optimal lifestyle and feed yourself  with fresh and nutritious food which Mother Nature prepares for us in her sunny kitchen is the best guarantee for maintaining a healthy life and healthy sexual appetite, far beyond the blue pills and magic spells; in the nature we can always find the best natural food humans are biologically adopted for.

1. Grapes are rich with pure glucose and antioxidants, which help the blood vessels directly, increasing sexual sensitivity and intensity of orgasms.

2. Coconut water, electrolyte fills enzymes, co-enzymes. The fat is the main component after water and is rich in saturated fatty acids (88.6% of total), so its calorific value is the highest of all fruits. Provides a low amount of carbohydrates and even less protein. Also, coconut is rich in minerals involved in bone mineralization (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), potassium and truly is a fuel for the body. It will speed up your hormons and sperm productivity.

3. Cinnamon strengthens the nervous system, controlling stress and depression, which favors increased libido and sexual desire.

4. Walnuts are your allies when it comes to increase your sexual appetite as they contain Omega 3, a key substance in the release of sex hormones.

5. Avocado is the ally of women, as it contains a lot of vitamin E, essential for the release of estrogen.

6. The berries are high in zinc, which increases the presence of testosterone, the male sex hormone. The pineapple, figs and pumpkin seeds also contain zinc.

7. Bananas contains a lot of carbohydrates in their natural form, minerals, enzymes and are nearly perfect food. Those guys who think that they are too fast, must try a meal of delicious bananas some 45 minutes before making love. Both of you will be surprised.

Optimal eating ensures you that every cell, organ works the best way possible, so do not hesitate and start eating optimally.

Welcome :)!

Peru - today, 30.12.2012

Friday, December 28, 2012


Alois Kolar

An omnivore is a kind of an living creature that hunts and eats either other animals as herbivores, omnivores, or eats plants, fruits, nuts, chestnuts. Omnivore eats plants but not all kind of plants, because can’t digest of the substances in grains, beans and plants which do not produce fruits. 

Natural omnivores are bears, pigs (humans do not have snouts with which we could mind along the ground, seeking warms, insects, tubers as pigs do), hens and some insects. Of course all foods they eat in its natural state, raw.

A carnivore is a living creature that gets food to kill and eat other living creatures, generally eats herbivores, omnivores, humans, and occasionally other carnivores. Some of them are scavengers (hyena) who finds (or still) and eats dead animals. Natural carnivores are lions (all animals from cat’s family including our pet cats), wolfs, dogs, jackals, eagles, snakes, frogs. We humans are not carnivores because it is not in our nature to kill an animal with our teeth, it is not in our nature to chase the animal with 50, 60, 80, 90 km per hour and then with our claws and sharp long teeth kill it, and eat her heart, bowels, organs, bones, while the corps is still warm as natural carnivores do?
Their digestive tract is very short (just 3 times longer as their body is) compared to the humans. Hydrochloric acid in their stomach is 100 times stronger than in humans, they do not chew pieces of meat, just swallow them whole, with cartilage, with bones, with feathers and all their food they eat is in its natural, raw state. 
If we cannot do this in this way, we are not natural carnivores.

Herbivore is a living creature that gets its food from eating plants, like grass or leaves and some forests fruits. Food they eat requires the special designed digestive systems. 
Typical herbivores are: elephants, caws, giraffes, moos, deer, sheep, goats, rabbits. All kind of food an herbivore eats is in its natural, raw state and usually has four stomachs. 

We humans are not herbivores because our teeth and digestive system cannot digest grass and leaves; it is not designed for such kind of food. We do not have teeth as herbivores has, neither the proper digestive tract (their digestive tract is 12 times longer than their bodies are), they are naturally designed for such kind of food. 
If we humans cannot live on grass, leaves, we are not herbivores. All kind of plant eaters eat their food in their natural, raw state.

Gramnivor is an living creature that get’s it’s food from grains (birds mainly, rats, mice). We humans are not gramnivors because we have only one starch splitting enzyme versus the numerous enzymes possessed by starch eating animals. If we cannot eat grains every day in this way, we are not designed as gramnivors. 
All the food they eat is in its natural, raw state.

Frugivor – frutarian is an living creature that gets food from eating fruits, forest fruits, nuts, seeds. Their very special digestive system is designed for digesting fruits only, their teeth and digestive system in humans is identical with teeths and digestive systems in natural fruit-eaters as orangutan, gibbons, gorilla, lemurs, in fact in all humanoid apes, their digestive tract and ours is 11 times longer as their – our body is and specially designed for digestion fruits, a bit of vegetable, nuts and seeds, which means that we (both) are physically, biologically and anatomically designed as fruit eating creatures, frutarians. 
Our saliva is alkaline which promotes carbohydrate digestion and neutralize acids in fruits, when saliva of carnivores is very acidic for digest concentrated protein with almost no chewing.

Antropological findings indicate that humans were (we still are) fruit eaters for the period of millions of years and all we do it, we know that it’s the best :-).

Khon Kaen – Thailand, 25.10.2001

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Alois Kolar

The reason that soy and soy products are so popular and of course "so healthy" was the motivation of the multi million $ spent of advertising and intense lobbying by the famous FDA - Food and Drug Administration which resulted that 74% of U.S.A. consumers believe, that soy and soy products are healthy and unfortunately with them all so called "intellectual" world. 

The truth about "healthy soy" is very different!

In animals,studies indicate that are phytoestrogens in soy are powerful endocrine disrupters. Soy infant feeding floods the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone is a possible cause of disrupted development patterns in boys, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. Testes of boys (or later men) who drink soy milk, eat “healthy soy schnitzel” as a substitute protein foods of animal origin, are smaller than others. In experiments on male infant monkeys who were fed with soy isoflavones, had lower testosterone levels of 70% compared with those fed with milk. You already know what this means, right?

In the first months of life of male babies the production and testosterone levels in the blood is the same as in adult male, and this natural, biological program allows babies to develop and express man characteristics, not just the development of their genital organs, hairiness of the chest and the body and some other characteristics of a man, it goes also for brain development characteristic features of male behavior. If this is natural, biological process is disturbed ... you already know what happens, what we get...

Researches in the U.S.A. has shown that the premature stage of development of girls was associated with the use of soy and soy products, they have indicated the sexual development already at the age of three years (the development of breasts and pubic hair growth). 
About 14 percent of Euro-American women - girls and 50% Afro-American women – girls are in the stage of puberty (breast development and growth of pubic hair) beforethe age of 8 years.

Megadoses of phytoestrogens in soy and soy formulas have been implicated in the current trend toward increasingly preamature sexual development in girls and delayed - retarded sexual development in boys. 

Phytoestrogens in soy are powerful antithyiroid substances that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer (cancer of the thyroid gland). Eatin gsoy in children is associated with the disease that has a name: autoimmune thyroid disease. There is also a problem with Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and therefore increase the body’s requirement for B12 just as it increase for vitamin D, because synthetic - useless farmaceutical (toxic) vitamin D2 is added to soy milk.

Infants who kept on soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in the blood than babies feeds on the base of milk products. Infants exclusively fed soy formula receive the amount of estrogen equivalent of at least four birth control pills per day.

Eating soy phytoestrogens - even moderately during pregnancy may be harmful as they affect the developing fetus as well as at the time of puberty later. Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have a strong potential to cause infertility and to develop breast cancer in adult women. High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soyis not neutralized by the preparation procedures, such as soaking, sproutingand long and slow cooking. Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines. Food rich in phytates in children cause sproblems with growth, but soy contains also high levels of aluminum, acting toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.

Soy is no good for postmenopausal women (as they said medicine "doctors" and orthodox nutricionists); soy contains hight amounts of phytoestrogens as potent antithiroid agent and endocrine disruptor, therefore the problems with low thyroid function during post menopausal years is hightened. Tumors that require large amounts of estrogen for their growth and development use phytoestrogens in soy. 

Do you still want to believe to promoters (medicine “doctors”, orthodox nutritionists, food technology engineers,  and promoters of cooking vegetarianism who in their shops sells soy products), who in TV commercials, newspapers and magazines constantly promote "healthy" soy cutlets, soy-milk  every single day? 
Much better for you is not to do this, but the choice is always yours  ;-)...

- Princeton University Press, 
- Fit for Life sciences Institute, Winnipeg, Canada, 
- The Weston A. Price Fundation.

Perú, 26. 11. 2010.


Alois Kolar

It was in 1970 when T. C. Fry made his “great health discovery” in his reading Dr. Herbert Shelton’s: Superior Nutrition, where in the principles of Natural Hygiene are revealed. 
He instantly adopted a hygienic lifestyle, overcame many long standing health problems and embarked on a path which lead him to acquire perhaps more factual information about health and nutrition than anyone in history, and to become a giant on the health scene, teaching Natural Hygiene with devoted fervor.

Based on in-depth researches he has found that AIDS is "the most fiendish and murderous scheme in human history." 
Indeed, T. C. Fry lived by Dr. Shelton's bromide, "Let the truth be told even if the heavens fall!"

T. C. Fry also wrote several dozen health booklets which he compiled in his "Basic Health Library", and he produced videos. Please, watch this time his video about how the "experts" in USA invented AIDS and virus HIV: AIDS invention and why they did so...

Please, be so kind and read also  Resume : HIV and AIDS by Charles A. Thomas Jr., Dr. Kary B. Mullis and Fillip E. Johnson, for better undersanding the subject. 

Peru, 02.01.2012. 


Alois Kolar

We real Life scientists - Natural hygienists know that viral disease does not exist. There are only states of impaired health based on cell degeneration. 

That the virus is an entity and that it occasions cellular degeneration is just a funny “scientific” story. The so called viruses could simply be the various toxic debris that we have been condemning and explaining about for many years (toxemia). The body does not want to keep the toxins in the bloodstream (or during the process of phagocytosis) and the body could find a means of encapsulating them in a protein membrane and injecting them into a cell to get it out of the bloodstream. These toxins perverts the metabolism of the cell and cause cellular degeneration. The virus could be only encapsulated protein, the body having surrounded it with a membrane to prevent an excess from upsetting the system. The absolutely impropriate diet high in protein recommended by today’s scientist – doctors, could be the reason for so called viral infections.

Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano told us: "For viruses medicine doctors said to invade living cells in order to force reproduction. When living cells eat dead cells (as they do all the time in our bloodstream), it could easily appear as though a virus is entering into a living cell. When living cells eat, this proces has a name: phagocytosis. The process of phagocytosis has been misidentified as a virus entering a cell. And what the most important is: no one sees this process in live action! All must be interpreted on a series of electron micrographs, which are computer printed shadows of black and white images on a white paper. It takes experts to read these micrographs, and even the experts have admitted that they have mistaken dead cells for viruses on many occasions. Do they have also mistaken phagocytosis for a virus entering into a living cell?" 

For what it is worth, viruses do not cause disease, they do not even exist; until today viruses in the human body were not deceected!

And than: "Why do you want to vaccionate entire human population, dear highly respected medicine "doctors" and pharmaceuts? Why?"

Krung Thep - Thailand, 05 de agosto 2003

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Alois Kolar

Do you know that heart will beat even if it removed from your body as long as it has a nutritional food?

Average heart beats 100,000 times a day. 
During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 378 million liters of blood. 
Average heart beats 70 to 80 times a minute, to those who live optimal lifestyle, heart bits 50 - 55 times a minute.  
Over 70 to 80 years, it gives a few billion beats and pumps about 5451 liters of blood every day.

A heart consists of two pumps, each made of two chambers. The right atrium squirts oxygen-depleted blood from the body into the right ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs. The left atrium squirts aerated blood from the lungs into the left ventricle, which pumps it out to the body. With each heartbeat, the two small atria contract together, then the two large ventricles, making one beating sound.

In your body are 99.780 meters of blood vessels (which is the distance of twice around the world) and your blood travels 263.000 meters per day.

Your heart pumps all your blood through circulatory system every 7 minutes and your blood contains 25 – 30 trillions of red blood cells, which combined surface would cover about 18,5 square meters.

Take good care of your heart, live the best lifestyle possible  and your heart will serve you excellent for all your life :).

Peru - today

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Liev Nikolaievich, Cound from Tolstoi (Leo Tolstoy, Leo Tolstoi)

"Not long ago I had a talk with a retired soldier," writes Tolstoy in Recollections and Essays, "and he was surprised at my assertion that it was a pity to kill animals for food, and said the usual things about its being ordained. But afterwards he agreed with me: 'Especially when they are quiet, tame cattle. They come, poor things trusting You. It is very pitiful.'

"Such a situation, is dreadful. Not the suffering and death of the animals, but that man suppresses in himself unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity - that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures - and by violating his own feelings, becomes cruel. And how deeply seated in the human heart is the injunction not to take life. But by the assertion that God ordained the slaughter of animals, and above all as a result of habit, people entirely lose their natural feeling.

"Some time ago I decided to visit the slaughter-house at Tula, and meeting a meek, kind acquaintance of mine, I invited him to accompany rue. My friend refused; he could not, he told met bear to witness the slaughter of animals. It is worth remarking that this man is a sportsman and himself kills animals and birds"

And... a kind refined lady will devour the carcasses of these animals with full assurance that she is doing right, at the same time asserting two contradictory propositions :
"First that she is so delicate that she cannot be sustained by vegetable food alone ; and secondly, that she is so sensitive that she is unable. not only herself to inflict suffering on animals, but even to bear the sight of the suffering.
"Whereas the poor lady is weak precisely because she has been taught to live upon food unnatural to man ; and she cannot avoid causing suffering to animals - for she eats them."

The wrongfulness, the immorality of eating animal food has been recognized by all mankind during all the conscious life of humanity. Why, then have people generally not come to acknowledge this law? The answer is that the moral progress of humanity is always slow; but that the sign of true, not casual Progress, is in uninterruptedness and its continual acceleration. And one cannot doubt that vegetarianism has been progressing in this manner.

"The progress of the movement should cause especial joy to those whose life lies in the effort to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth, not because vegetarianism is in itself an important step towards that kingdom, but because it is a sign that the aspiration of mankind towards moral perfection is serious and sincere.''

Peru, 17.03.2008


Alois Kolar

Scientists predict that women live longer because it has a key part of their cells are less harmful defects. They found that errors in the "engine" of every cell in males much larger effect. The reason why is that women inherit DNA from the mother, while the separated mutations that are harmful only to them. Mutations that are harmful to men, to be lost and thus over time slow to threaten the health of cells.

"The children receive a majority of the genes from mothers and fathers, but receive only mitochondrial DNA from their mother," says Australian scientist Damian Dowling. "This means that the evolutionary process of quality control, better known as natural selection, only verifies the quality of maternal mitochondrial genes. If there is a mutation of mitochondrial DNA, affecting the father's genes, but not mothers, the mutation slipped unnoticed past natural selection," says and adds that both men harmful mutations accumulate over thousands of generations.

"Our research suggests that mitochondrial genomes are also hot spots of mutations that affect men's health. Now seeks to explore the genetic mechanisms that could help men izničevanju harmful effect of these mutations and the maintenance of health," he says.

Perú, 06.08.2012.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Alois Kolar

Did you know that vinegar greatly reduces or blocks the metabolism of food intake and that this happens in very small quantities?

Greatly reduce or block the metabolism occurs because vinegar prevents or completely disables the ptyalin, hence resulting to people familiar form of weight loss that is harmful to orgqanizem.

If you use vinegar (it's only a matter of habit, taste, Czechs, Slovaks, Germans believe that the mixed salad should be sprinkled with sugar because they like to eat it in this way), eating pasteurized pickles made ​​in vinegar and also other vegetables, salad and then eat this type of food in combination with cereals (bread, macaroni, spaghetti, pizza), potatoes, your digestive system is blocked and the food will not be digested, the absorption of the already depleted cooked food will be even worse.
Vinegar also contains alcohol, which reduces or blocks the digestion of protein.

If you still believe that your salad should be tasted as you use vinegar, then recommend you fresh, home prepared juice of two or three limes and one lemon.

Peru, today

Monday, November 19, 2012


Alois Kolar

Medical "scientist" have been still fight bacili viruses and bacteria which suppose to lead war to human body, which is completely wrong and unscientific idea. 
Practitioners of Natural Health - Natural Hygiene do understand that bacteria, bacili are normal, wholsome part of the human (animal also) body where they are doing very useful and important symbiotic tasks. Bacterial flora always works in benefit of the body and does not attack us! 
Medical science summarised Pasteur's microbiological theory in 1870 because they knew that people because of their own problems like bending second, in this case of small, mysterious, insidous little monsters as their wrong way of life and feedings (long peroid before this were bending of malicious spirits, next to arrival of Christianity the devil). This wrong theory placed people between unhappy victims of these »little monsters« and medicine doctors in roped party with pharmacists can pronaunced themsleves as the only savers which incessantly advertise in all means of medias, notifying even today.

Doctor Alec Burton pleads the standpoint of Natural Health – Natural Hygiene and he says: »Are microorganisms (bacilli, bacteria) trully cause of disease? Or is it just inverse, first desease and than microorganisms. Microorganisms, bacteria do not cause the disease, they are not causers, but they definitively come arround after incremental toxemia which is the cause of disease and they help with cleaning in cleaning process the body does itself!«

Bacteria are not doing invasion on organism because they are already present in organism all the time. 

Louis Pasteur was not a real father of bacteriology, quiet professor Antoine Bechamp is the true father of this science, the true scientist in real meaning of word; he insulated microorganisms from rocky masses of mauntain chain of France and name them mycrozyme and found that these microorganisms in spite of heavy natural conditions of water, rains, winters, storms, heat in laboratory profilirated again. These microorganisms were before in condition of dormance on tenths of million of years. Mighty medical establishment deceives us that bacteria control organism which is not valid. Organism always control bacteria by itself.

For better understanding I am listing difference between Pasteur's theory of microorganisms and Bechamp's cellular theory:

1. Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.
Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
2. Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against.
These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
3. The function of micro-organisms is constant.
The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.
4. The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constant.
Micro-organisms change their shapes and colours to reflect the medium.
5. Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism.
Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
6. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents.
Microorganisms become »pathogenic« as the health of the host organism deteriorates. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
7. Disease can "strike" anybody.
Disease is built - caused by unhealthy conditions.
8. To prevent disease we have    to "build defences".
To prevent disease we have to create health.

Professor Antoine Bechamp understud meaning of these microorganisms in that way: "These microorganisms feed themselves with poisonous substances that they find in ill organism and prepares them for secretion. These small microorganisms are derived still by smaller microorganisms named microzyma. These microzymes are present in tissues and blood of all living creatures where normaly stay in dormance, they are harmless. When becomes activity of human organism endangered with presence of potentially harmful substances, transmutation occurs. Microzyma changes to bacterium or virus that starts at once with freeing of this substances. When bacteria task of swallow of toxic - harmful substances they refund again into condition of microzyma - in dormance (condition of rest of the organism)."Newest scinetific facts comes from University of Queensland's - Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Gatton - Australia where they discovered and successfuly took a photos of microorganisms that are in diameter 10 times smaller from Actinomycetes (gram positive, mostly anaerobic rancidity immovable microorganisms), measured 1/100,000 mm and they are alive!

Researcher Dr. Philippa Uwins - American mineralogist named them "nanobi",
their speciality is in this, that are of equal scope as controversial nanobacterias that was also described by other researchers in different kinds of rocks but they discovered them in Martian meteorite ALH84001. Dr. Robert Folk from University of Texas - USA also claims that the most important part of life in our planet consists of these microorganisms, althought official (pseudo recognized) science is rejecting possibility of existence and of activity creatures of smaller size of officialy confesed bacteria.

One of the leading world's astrophysics Paul Davis says: "If the life can exist on the level of extreeme donditons (in rocks), there is a strong suggestion that there can be a life (nanobe) in rocks of other planets…"
Researching of nanobes leading by Dr. Philippa Uwins becomes one of the most important research of our time and nanobe can be Bechamp's Microzyma… I also believe in likehood of Bechamp' Cellular theory and happily expect some new results from Philippa's team.

Louis Pasteur inventor of theory concernig bacteria that are causer of disease just before death confessed that he was wrong. Three great French scientist at that time, quiet Antoine Bechamp, Claude Bernard and Tissot are all thrown away theory that Louis Pasteur summarised and represented, but medicine science kept her till today and still presents the column of myth of mighty medicine.

The truth is different, the body itself organize crisis known as symptom of disease and true hygienists name this proces crisis of selfhealing, cleansing, detoxification. The body has to be in such toxic state that can cause such crises; bacteria cannot cause crises because they do not have power over the living cells.

Overstimated medicine doctors keep namely well in mind that it would not be good for their megalomanic business if they would say to thier "patients" that they are producers of their own misery, that is why mighty medical establishment for disease and suffering bending all possible choices, just individual's destructive way of life no. 
This is good news dear friends, because you decide about your health or disease simply with the way of life and Natural Health lifestyle:  is the best guarantor for highest feeling, slenderness and lasting health

Ancon - Peru, 29.06.2008 20:40:12

Alois Kolar

The main cause (but not the only one) of "all diseases", better to say symptoms, comes from the toxification of organism which is always followed by eating unproper cooked, baked, processed food (the one that is recommended by the alimental branch, dietetics, nutritionists and medicine doctors), by consuming social allowed drugs, by consuming permitted drugs that are approachable in drugstores without prescription, by consuming drugs with prescription, by using street drugs and by living incorrect lifestyle in general. 

When the toxic loads in your organism become to high, your organims produce an emergency state of rapid toxic cleansing, knowing as symptoms (medicine doctors give a names to these symptoms in latin language - diagnosis...) and treat them with chemical-pharamceutical drugs.

The main cause of (excesive) toxicosis is living on processed foods, on cooked food, because such kind of foods are toxic, all these foods acts in the body as a drugs and in fact they are drugs.

Bacterias are our symbiotic partners as integral part of human organism and that they do not cause disease. Without bacterias we would not be able to exist!

Bacterias and viruses do not cause any diseases, and the disease(s) is (are) not contagious!

German molecular biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka says: »It is very important to know that viruses are component parts of a very simple organism, for instance of the confervacea type of algae, a paricular species of one-celled chlorella alga and of very many bacteria. This viral components are called phages. In complex organisms however in particular in humans or in animals, such structures which you might call viruses have never been seen.«

The word diet comes out from a Greek word: »Diaita« which means: "Art of feeding." 

It is based upon quality, organic, fresh food in their natural raw state (fresh, ripe quality fruit, vegetable, nuts, seed, home made natural fruit or vegetable juices, used right after its preparation, raw eggs).
This is the food that humans are biologically, phisiologically and anatomically adapted for.

When modifying destroyable diet regime we have to change the old destructive daily habits into a Optimal lifestyle or lifestyle of Natural Health – Natural Hygiene which of course includes the optimum diet.

Natural Health - Higiene natural