Thursday, November 22, 2012


Alois Kolar

Did you know that vinegar greatly reduces or blocks the metabolism of food intake and that this happens in very small quantities?

Greatly reduce or block the metabolism occurs because vinegar prevents or completely disables the ptyalin, hence resulting to people familiar form of weight loss that is harmful to orgqanizem.

If you use vinegar (it's only a matter of habit, taste, Czechs, Slovaks, Germans believe that the mixed salad should be sprinkled with sugar because they like to eat it in this way), eating pasteurized pickles made ​​in vinegar and also other vegetables, salad and then eat this type of food in combination with cereals (bread, macaroni, spaghetti, pizza), potatoes, your digestive system is blocked and the food will not be digested, the absorption of the already depleted cooked food will be even worse.
Vinegar also contains alcohol, which reduces or blocks the digestion of protein.

If you still believe that your salad should be tasted as you use vinegar, then recommend you fresh, home prepared juice of two or three limes and one lemon.

Peru, today

Monday, November 19, 2012


Alois Kolar

Medical "scientist" have been still fight bacili viruses and bacteria which suppose to lead war to human body, which is completely wrong and unscientific idea. 
Practitioners of Natural Health - Natural Hygiene do understand that bacteria, bacili are normal, wholsome part of the human (animal also) body where they are doing very useful and important symbiotic tasks. Bacterial flora always works in benefit of the body and does not attack us! 
Medical science summarised Pasteur's microbiological theory in 1870 because they knew that people because of their own problems like bending second, in this case of small, mysterious, insidous little monsters as their wrong way of life and feedings (long peroid before this were bending of malicious spirits, next to arrival of Christianity the devil). This wrong theory placed people between unhappy victims of these »little monsters« and medicine doctors in roped party with pharmacists can pronaunced themsleves as the only savers which incessantly advertise in all means of medias, notifying even today.

Doctor Alec Burton pleads the standpoint of Natural Health – Natural Hygiene and he says: »Are microorganisms (bacilli, bacteria) trully cause of disease? Or is it just inverse, first desease and than microorganisms. Microorganisms, bacteria do not cause the disease, they are not causers, but they definitively come arround after incremental toxemia which is the cause of disease and they help with cleaning in cleaning process the body does itself!«

Bacteria are not doing invasion on organism because they are already present in organism all the time. 

Louis Pasteur was not a real father of bacteriology, quiet professor Antoine Bechamp is the true father of this science, the true scientist in real meaning of word; he insulated microorganisms from rocky masses of mauntain chain of France and name them mycrozyme and found that these microorganisms in spite of heavy natural conditions of water, rains, winters, storms, heat in laboratory profilirated again. These microorganisms were before in condition of dormance on tenths of million of years. Mighty medical establishment deceives us that bacteria control organism which is not valid. Organism always control bacteria by itself.

For better understanding I am listing difference between Pasteur's theory of microorganisms and Bechamp's cellular theory:

1. Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.
Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
2. Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against.
These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
3. The function of micro-organisms is constant.
The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.
4. The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constant.
Micro-organisms change their shapes and colours to reflect the medium.
5. Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism.
Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
6. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents.
Microorganisms become »pathogenic« as the health of the host organism deteriorates. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
7. Disease can "strike" anybody.
Disease is built - caused by unhealthy conditions.
8. To prevent disease we have    to "build defences".
To prevent disease we have to create health.

Professor Antoine Bechamp understud meaning of these microorganisms in that way: "These microorganisms feed themselves with poisonous substances that they find in ill organism and prepares them for secretion. These small microorganisms are derived still by smaller microorganisms named microzyma. These microzymes are present in tissues and blood of all living creatures where normaly stay in dormance, they are harmless. When becomes activity of human organism endangered with presence of potentially harmful substances, transmutation occurs. Microzyma changes to bacterium or virus that starts at once with freeing of this substances. When bacteria task of swallow of toxic - harmful substances they refund again into condition of microzyma - in dormance (condition of rest of the organism)."Newest scinetific facts comes from University of Queensland's - Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Gatton - Australia where they discovered and successfuly took a photos of microorganisms that are in diameter 10 times smaller from Actinomycetes (gram positive, mostly anaerobic rancidity immovable microorganisms), measured 1/100,000 mm and they are alive!

Researcher Dr. Philippa Uwins - American mineralogist named them "nanobi",
their speciality is in this, that are of equal scope as controversial nanobacterias that was also described by other researchers in different kinds of rocks but they discovered them in Martian meteorite ALH84001. Dr. Robert Folk from University of Texas - USA also claims that the most important part of life in our planet consists of these microorganisms, althought official (pseudo recognized) science is rejecting possibility of existence and of activity creatures of smaller size of officialy confesed bacteria.

One of the leading world's astrophysics Paul Davis says: "If the life can exist on the level of extreeme donditons (in rocks), there is a strong suggestion that there can be a life (nanobe) in rocks of other planets…"
Researching of nanobes leading by Dr. Philippa Uwins becomes one of the most important research of our time and nanobe can be Bechamp's Microzyma… I also believe in likehood of Bechamp' Cellular theory and happily expect some new results from Philippa's team.

Louis Pasteur inventor of theory concernig bacteria that are causer of disease just before death confessed that he was wrong. Three great French scientist at that time, quiet Antoine Bechamp, Claude Bernard and Tissot are all thrown away theory that Louis Pasteur summarised and represented, but medicine science kept her till today and still presents the column of myth of mighty medicine.

The truth is different, the body itself organize crisis known as symptom of disease and true hygienists name this proces crisis of selfhealing, cleansing, detoxification. The body has to be in such toxic state that can cause such crises; bacteria cannot cause crises because they do not have power over the living cells.

Overstimated medicine doctors keep namely well in mind that it would not be good for their megalomanic business if they would say to thier "patients" that they are producers of their own misery, that is why mighty medical establishment for disease and suffering bending all possible choices, just individual's destructive way of life no. 
This is good news dear friends, because you decide about your health or disease simply with the way of life and Natural Health lifestyle:  is the best guarantor for highest feeling, slenderness and lasting health

Ancon - Peru, 29.06.2008 20:40:12

Alois Kolar

The main cause (but not the only one) of "all diseases", better to say symptoms, comes from the toxification of organism which is always followed by eating unproper cooked, baked, processed food (the one that is recommended by the alimental branch, dietetics, nutritionists and medicine doctors), by consuming social allowed drugs, by consuming permitted drugs that are approachable in drugstores without prescription, by consuming drugs with prescription, by using street drugs and by living incorrect lifestyle in general. 

When the toxic loads in your organism become to high, your organims produce an emergency state of rapid toxic cleansing, knowing as symptoms (medicine doctors give a names to these symptoms in latin language - diagnosis...) and treat them with chemical-pharamceutical drugs.

The main cause of (excesive) toxicosis is living on processed foods, on cooked food, because such kind of foods are toxic, all these foods acts in the body as a drugs and in fact they are drugs.

Bacterias are our symbiotic partners as integral part of human organism and that they do not cause disease. Without bacterias we would not be able to exist!

Bacterias and viruses do not cause any diseases, and the disease(s) is (are) not contagious!

German molecular biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka says: »It is very important to know that viruses are component parts of a very simple organism, for instance of the confervacea type of algae, a paricular species of one-celled chlorella alga and of very many bacteria. This viral components are called phages. In complex organisms however in particular in humans or in animals, such structures which you might call viruses have never been seen.«

The word diet comes out from a Greek word: »Diaita« which means: "Art of feeding." 

It is based upon quality, organic, fresh food in their natural raw state (fresh, ripe quality fruit, vegetable, nuts, seed, home made natural fruit or vegetable juices, used right after its preparation, raw eggs).
This is the food that humans are biologically, phisiologically and anatomically adapted for.

When modifying destroyable diet regime we have to change the old destructive daily habits into a Optimal lifestyle or lifestyle of Natural Health – Natural Hygiene which of course includes the optimum diet.

Natural Health - Higiene natural