One of the great mysteries surrounding the spread of GMO plants around the world since the first commercial crops were released in the early 1990’s in the USA and Argentina has been the absence of independent scientific studies of possible long-term effects of a diet of GMO plants on humans or even rats. Now it has come to light the real reason. The GMO agribusiness companies like Monsanto, BASF, Pioneer, Syngenta and others prohibit independent research.
Read article...
GMO bulls
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Alois Kolar
beautiful, but you're empty... No one could die for you. - Antoine de
Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince"
Good character
is fondation of life, if someone do not have it yet, he/she has to
built it on the base of kindness, honesty, gentleness, trust and
love, if she/he want to be happy and to make other persons happy.
we talk about relationship or even marriage, problem with physical beauty
is that it fades with time. One has to put in huge efforts to delay
the inevitable process of aging and consequent impact on health and
beauty. All efforts in this direction only give temporary benefits,
and the big problem is that no one can live with even exceptional beautiful person, but empty, cold
To build a solid foundation of kindness, honesty, gentleness, trust and love, with warm personality are the most important ingredient is beautiful character. At best, such relationship can be termed as fragile or opportunistic and will never be solid and all the time causes a lot of pain to the good one, of course...
To build a solid foundation of kindness, honesty, gentleness, trust and love, with warm personality are the most important ingredient is beautiful character. At best, such relationship can be termed as fragile or opportunistic and will never be solid and all the time causes a lot of pain to the good one, of course...
why good - beautiful character is very important to all of us who want to be
happy for life. Of course some persons will be jelous on you and will
try to hurt you with dirty, low blows, because of jelousy, envy, they
will hate you even they instinctively feel you as a perfect examples
for them.
ahead, be honest, trustful and love people they deserve your love.
luck to all wonderful, honest and trustful people all over the world, life is
beautiful..., but short.
La verdadera belleza
La verdadera belleza
Planet Earth, 30.01.2013.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Dr. T. C. Fry
Why should this question arise?
Because the peoples of America and the world suffer grievously from widespread disease.
Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into out bodies determines the quality of our lives.
We are all aware that engines perform well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities.
I frequently receive phone calls and letters that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn? Potatoes? Oats? Bread? Prepared cereals? Beans? Tofu? And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten.
When I facetiously say that it's not okay by me, I get the inevitable "why?" Then I tell them we are all our brothers' keepers and if you lose your health, it's an imposition upon me and millions of other people whose lives your condition directly and indirectly affects.
What questioners really meant was why aren't these foods okay? I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged I tell them: "If you can't relish It in the fresh raw state, you shouldn't be eating It at all." To save myself a lot of letters and communications, I will, in this article, spell out many of the salient reasons why "dead" foods should never enter the human mouth.
The First thing I do with writers and callers is present the benefits of the living food enormous diet. For instance I might say:
- Live food eaters feel better and are often in a state of euphoria.
- Live food eaters have more energy and stamina.
- Then I get the inevitable "why" which is a way of saying "prove it."
I respond: "Just bear with me." I proceed to heighten their curiosity with further statements like:
- Those who subsist on living foods are better rested and better slept in less time.
- Those who eat most living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically.
- Those who undertake the eating of live foods, especially in conjunction with an exercise regime, experience drastic weight loss. This is great for those people who need to lose weight.
- Going on a living food diet sets of body cleansing which, at times, can be very intense. Body detoxification may entail some unpleasant symptoms.
- Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform much better and with more competence.
- Living food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions than conventional eaters. Moreover, if an exercise regime of 15 to 30 minutes a day is followed, they are even less subject to stress.
- Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!
Of course a great deal of skepticism is often expressed- -after all, they need dispensation as well as justification for their love affairs with pizza, bread, potatoes and so on.
They may even tell me that this is all just anecdotal, that is, just like old wives tales.
I then tell them: "Why not try it yourself and experience the wonderful results. Then you can tell your own experiences anecdotally just as you are now anecdotally expressing your skepticism." Then I proceed to start putting the clinchers on my case as follows:
"In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments.
Only humans regularly and consistently suffer premature death. Natural death in humans is so rare that it isn't even listed as a cause of death in our almanacs or statistics."
Then the question often arises: "What's so terrible about cooking foods? Everybody does it."
To which I respond: "Just about everybody has cavities, poor eyesight that requires glasses, colds and other sicknesses, don't they?" Then I answer further with some statements and citations that are obviously true:
"Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes result, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand for just a moment into boiling water, or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour or more are! What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!
Proteins begin coagulating and delaminating, as may be plainly seen in the case of eggs and cheese when their temperature reaches only 118 degrees. At temperatures commonly applied in cooking, they are completely devoid of nutritive values. Worse yet...
Cooked proteins are readily putrefied by bacteria in the digestive tract and give rise to some very potent poisons such as ptomaine's, leukomaines, mercaptans, indoles, skatoles, ammonias, hydrogen sulfide, putrescine, cadaverine and yet more. These are absorbed into the portal blood and cause myriad's of disease conditions.
Cooking renders foods toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of the white blood cells after the eating of a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are a first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called the immune system."
As confirmed by hundred of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of Science's National Research Council's book, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer," all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins and fats you are eating numerous mutagenic (carcinogenic) products caused by cooking.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.
Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water, rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with their cement-like plaque. Over 90% of Americans have plaque in their arteries! Worse yet, inorganic minerals are highly toxic. As an example we know iodine to be an essential nutrient. Yet, in its inorganic state, it bears the skull and crossbones. Take iron as an example.
Essential as it is, if taken in the inorganic state it causes hepatitis and hemochromatosis.
Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals, other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in the aforementioned publication, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. "
Cooked foods not only take longer to digest but often prove to be indigestible and unassailable as in the case of heated proteins. Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract while living foods are almost totally absorbed before they're oxidized enough for yeast and bacterial ferments and putrefaction.
This evidenced by the fact that the average conventional eater has about two pounds of intestinal bacteria whereas living food eaters have only a few ounces. About 20% of the feces of cooked food eaters is dead bacteria whereas living food eaters give off only a fraction as much dead bacteria.
If you cook a potato and put it on the counter alongside a raw one, the raw potato will last for weeks and even sprout whereas the cooked potato will ferment in one or two days. This gives you some idea about what happens to cooked foods in the intestinal tract where fermentation and putrefaction that may take place in a day or two in the open occurs in an hour or two in the intestinal tract. Again, indigestion is an indication that fermentation and/or putrefaction is talking place.
When a registered dietitian took Harvey Diamond to task and in effect called him an ignoramus and liar he discombobulated and made her statements obviously wrong with a single question: "Lady, did you ever vomit?"
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.
You don't have to take my word for It! Get yourself some guinea pigs, white mice or white rats. What humans take years to exhibit, they manifest within weeks. Feed a control group their regular diet in a raw condition. Feed the other control group the same foods but cooked!
Better yet, you can go on a raw food or living foods diet and see the wonderful results enumerated herein for yourself! Of course you may have to go through discomforts when the body, with better foods, begins purifying itself.
I think this rather nicely sums up the most salient reasons why you should shun cooked foods, why you should, if you treasure health and happiness, eat only living foods!
Why should this question arise?
Because the peoples of America and the world suffer grievously from widespread disease.
Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into out bodies determines the quality of our lives.
We are all aware that engines perform well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities.
I frequently receive phone calls and letters that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn? Potatoes? Oats? Bread? Prepared cereals? Beans? Tofu? And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten.
When I facetiously say that it's not okay by me, I get the inevitable "why?" Then I tell them we are all our brothers' keepers and if you lose your health, it's an imposition upon me and millions of other people whose lives your condition directly and indirectly affects.
What questioners really meant was why aren't these foods okay? I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged I tell them: "If you can't relish It in the fresh raw state, you shouldn't be eating It at all." To save myself a lot of letters and communications, I will, in this article, spell out many of the salient reasons why "dead" foods should never enter the human mouth.
The First thing I do with writers and callers is present the benefits of the living food enormous diet. For instance I might say:
- Live food eaters feel better and are often in a state of euphoria.
- Live food eaters have more energy and stamina.
- Then I get the inevitable "why" which is a way of saying "prove it."
I respond: "Just bear with me." I proceed to heighten their curiosity with further statements like:
- Those who subsist on living foods are better rested and better slept in less time.
- Those who eat most living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically.
- Those who undertake the eating of live foods, especially in conjunction with an exercise regime, experience drastic weight loss. This is great for those people who need to lose weight.
- Going on a living food diet sets of body cleansing which, at times, can be very intense. Body detoxification may entail some unpleasant symptoms.
- Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform much better and with more competence.
- Living food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions than conventional eaters. Moreover, if an exercise regime of 15 to 30 minutes a day is followed, they are even less subject to stress.
- Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!
Of course a great deal of skepticism is often expressed- -after all, they need dispensation as well as justification for their love affairs with pizza, bread, potatoes and so on.
They may even tell me that this is all just anecdotal, that is, just like old wives tales.
I then tell them: "Why not try it yourself and experience the wonderful results. Then you can tell your own experiences anecdotally just as you are now anecdotally expressing your skepticism." Then I proceed to start putting the clinchers on my case as follows:
"In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments.
Only humans regularly and consistently suffer premature death. Natural death in humans is so rare that it isn't even listed as a cause of death in our almanacs or statistics."
Then the question often arises: "What's so terrible about cooking foods? Everybody does it."
To which I respond: "Just about everybody has cavities, poor eyesight that requires glasses, colds and other sicknesses, don't they?" Then I answer further with some statements and citations that are obviously true:
"Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes result, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand for just a moment into boiling water, or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour or more are! What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!
Proteins begin coagulating and delaminating, as may be plainly seen in the case of eggs and cheese when their temperature reaches only 118 degrees. At temperatures commonly applied in cooking, they are completely devoid of nutritive values. Worse yet...
Cooked proteins are readily putrefied by bacteria in the digestive tract and give rise to some very potent poisons such as ptomaine's, leukomaines, mercaptans, indoles, skatoles, ammonias, hydrogen sulfide, putrescine, cadaverine and yet more. These are absorbed into the portal blood and cause myriad's of disease conditions.
Cooking renders foods toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of the white blood cells after the eating of a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are a first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called the immune system."
As confirmed by hundred of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of Science's National Research Council's book, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer," all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins and fats you are eating numerous mutagenic (carcinogenic) products caused by cooking.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.
Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water, rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with their cement-like plaque. Over 90% of Americans have plaque in their arteries! Worse yet, inorganic minerals are highly toxic. As an example we know iodine to be an essential nutrient. Yet, in its inorganic state, it bears the skull and crossbones. Take iron as an example.
Essential as it is, if taken in the inorganic state it causes hepatitis and hemochromatosis.
Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals, other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in the aforementioned publication, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. "
Cooked foods not only take longer to digest but often prove to be indigestible and unassailable as in the case of heated proteins. Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract while living foods are almost totally absorbed before they're oxidized enough for yeast and bacterial ferments and putrefaction.
This evidenced by the fact that the average conventional eater has about two pounds of intestinal bacteria whereas living food eaters have only a few ounces. About 20% of the feces of cooked food eaters is dead bacteria whereas living food eaters give off only a fraction as much dead bacteria.
If you cook a potato and put it on the counter alongside a raw one, the raw potato will last for weeks and even sprout whereas the cooked potato will ferment in one or two days. This gives you some idea about what happens to cooked foods in the intestinal tract where fermentation and putrefaction that may take place in a day or two in the open occurs in an hour or two in the intestinal tract. Again, indigestion is an indication that fermentation and/or putrefaction is talking place.
When a registered dietitian took Harvey Diamond to task and in effect called him an ignoramus and liar he discombobulated and made her statements obviously wrong with a single question: "Lady, did you ever vomit?"
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.
You don't have to take my word for It! Get yourself some guinea pigs, white mice or white rats. What humans take years to exhibit, they manifest within weeks. Feed a control group their regular diet in a raw condition. Feed the other control group the same foods but cooked!
Better yet, you can go on a raw food or living foods diet and see the wonderful results enumerated herein for yourself! Of course you may have to go through discomforts when the body, with better foods, begins purifying itself.
I think this rather nicely sums up the most salient reasons why you should shun cooked foods, why you should, if you treasure health and happiness, eat only living foods!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Alois Kolar
such as anger, malice and hostility quickly activate the "fight
or flight response," in which stress hormones, including
adrenaline and cortisol, speed up your heart rate and breathing and
give you a burst of energy. Blood pressure also rises as your blood
vessels constrict.
Envy, malice, anger, hate are not disastrous only for bad relationships, between neighbours, friends, partners, but are detrimental to the one that cares them so faithfully.
Drunkenness and crime of all kinds are extraordinary modes of crises of toxemia. Enforcing temperance or control of crime are bound to fail of the objectives until we learn to re style our lives with the harmony of the nature.
Try your best to live without them, be happy and make other people happy. Life is the only thing we truly have and is very short to, so be happy :)...
China proverb: "Tower are measured by their shades, great people by their detractors."
about sharp emotions, such as envy, malice, anger, hatred?
emotions is believed to be able to affect your health negatively.
that is extreme, persistent, or even violent, can have
considerably negative effects beyond just the experience of being
or persistent emotions of anger, hatred can manifest itself in one's
bodily health, contributing to physical stress. Frequent anger may
even hasten the onset of atherosclerosis, ultimately damaging the
arterial walls over time Peripherally, frequent anger can also lead
to risky or harmful behaviour.
Envy, malice, anger, hate are not disastrous only for bad relationships, between neighbours, friends, partners, but are detrimental to the one that cares them so faithfully.
"Retarded, evil, psychotic people always blame someone for what is wrong with them and this is exactly what those people do...!"
Drunkenness and crime of all kinds are extraordinary modes of crises of toxemia. Enforcing temperance or control of crime are bound to fail of the objectives until we learn to re style our lives with the harmony of the nature.
Try your best to live without them, be happy and make other people happy. Life is the only thing we truly have and is very short to, so be happy :)...
- Natural science of health
Planet Earth, 28. 01. 2013
Alois Kolar
Lactuca sativa (Lettuce) is an annual plant of the aster or sunflower family Asteraceae and has been cultivated some 2600 years ago and its widely appreciated in Europa and Asia.
Pesticides are used in lettuce crops, the most common pesticides found in the leaves are organ-phosphorous, Permethrin and than comes grosists and sellers with blue galice... Wash them thoroughly in warm, running water (of body temperature – 37 degree of Centigrade before consumption.
However, the organic forms are believed to be free from these toxins and safe for consumption, therefore is a good choice to have garden of your own. Lettuce contain the sedative which relaxes nerves. The darker green leaves are, more nutritious values they have.
- It is a rich source of vitamin K. Vitamin K has a potential role in the bone metabolism where it thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone cells. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
- Fresh leaves contain good amounts folates and vitamin C. Folates require for DNA synthesis and therefore, vital in prevention of the neural tube defects in-utero fetus during pregnancy. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant; regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
- It contains good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism.
Lactuca sativa (Lettuce) is an annual plant of the aster or sunflower family Asteraceae and has been cultivated some 2600 years ago and its widely appreciated in Europa and Asia.
Pesticides are used in lettuce crops, the most common pesticides found in the leaves are organ-phosphorous, Permethrin and than comes grosists and sellers with blue galice... Wash them thoroughly in warm, running water (of body temperature – 37 degree of Centigrade before consumption.
However, the organic forms are believed to be free from these toxins and safe for consumption, therefore is a good choice to have garden of your own. Lettuce contain the sedative which relaxes nerves. The darker green leaves are, more nutritious values they have.
For example, romaine or watercress have seven to eight times as much beta-carotene, and two to four times the calcium, and twice the amount of potassium as iceberg lettuce which unfortunately consist stryhnine and ammonia, it's nutritional value is water, roughache and toxins. Lettuce leaves are the store house of many phyto-nutrients that have health promoting and disease prevention properties.
- Vitamins in lettuce are plentiful, fresh leaves are an excellent source of several Vitamin A and beta carotenes. Just 100 g of fresh, raw-lettuce provides 247% of daily vitamin A, and 4443 µg of beta-carotene (Carotenes convert to vitamin A in the body; 2 µg of carotene is considered equivalent to 1 IU of vitamin A). These compounds have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids helps to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.
- Vitamins in lettuce are plentiful, fresh leaves are an excellent source of several Vitamin A and beta carotenes. Just 100 g of fresh, raw-lettuce provides 247% of daily vitamin A, and 4443 µg of beta-carotene (Carotenes convert to vitamin A in the body; 2 µg of carotene is considered equivalent to 1 IU of vitamin A). These compounds have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids helps to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.
- It is a rich source of vitamin K. Vitamin K has a potential role in the bone metabolism where it thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone cells. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
- Fresh leaves contain good amounts folates and vitamin C. Folates require for DNA synthesis and therefore, vital in prevention of the neural tube defects in-utero fetus during pregnancy. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant; regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
- It contains good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism.
Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is essential for red blood cell formation.
- Zea-xanthin (1730 µg per 100 g), an important dietary carotenoid in lettuce, is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea, where it thought to provide antioxidant and filter UV rays falling on the retina. Diet rich in xanthin and carotenes is thought to offer some protection against age-related macular disease (ARMD) in the elder persons.
- It is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin.
Regular inclusion of lettuce is known as not a cause (to prevent) of osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia and believed to protect from cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and cancers.
- Zea-xanthin (1730 µg per 100 g), an important dietary carotenoid in lettuce, is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea, where it thought to provide antioxidant and filter UV rays falling on the retina. Diet rich in xanthin and carotenes is thought to offer some protection against age-related macular disease (ARMD) in the elder persons.
- It is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin.
Regular inclusion of lettuce is known as not a cause (to prevent) of osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia and believed to protect from cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and cancers.
Good reason to eat it every single day, organic if possible.
What "doctors" in famos FDA obviously don't know (if they would know, they could ban the use of the lettuce just as they did with hemp).
Here are some facts: letuce is a norcotic, in wildeness it grows up to 180 cm (equal as in your garden) and the whole plant is rich in milky bitter substance that flows freely from wounds.
When dry it hardens turns into redish brown color and it is known as lactucarium (narcotic alcaloid) which is used as a substitute for opium and was smoked by North American Indians. It tastes and smell the same as opium, so we can call it: Poor man's opium.
The wild grown lettuces named Lactuca Virosa and Lettuce Sacriola have it (lactucarium) the most.
What "doctors" in famos FDA obviously don't know (if they would know, they could ban the use of the lettuce just as they did with hemp).
Here are some facts: letuce is a norcotic, in wildeness it grows up to 180 cm (equal as in your garden) and the whole plant is rich in milky bitter substance that flows freely from wounds.
When dry it hardens turns into redish brown color and it is known as lactucarium (narcotic alcaloid) which is used as a substitute for opium and was smoked by North American Indians. It tastes and smell the same as opium, so we can call it: Poor man's opium.
The wild grown lettuces named Lactuca Virosa and Lettuce Sacriola have it (lactucarium) the most.
- Natural science of health
- Natural science of health
- Hotema, MH, Lessons 15, pages 29,20.
Planet Earth, 28.01.2013.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Alois Kolar
The bones are carriers, are the
structure of the human body and also protect internal organs; in
addition bones are factories of the blood. Bone marrow can produced
daily to 5 trillion red blood cells. Newborn humans are born with 300
bones, during the growth and development to adulthood we can count
206 bones only.
Did you know that:
- human face consists of 14 bones?
- That skull is composed of 29 separate bones, which are grouped together.
- That 54 bones are in your hand only?
- That bones consists up to 50% of water?
- That Enamel (teeth) is the hardest substance in the human body?
- That the bones represent around 13% of total body weight?
- That is the hardest bone of your body is femur and its stronger than concrete?
- That fingernails grows 4 times faster than toenails?
If you want to have strong, healthy
bones (no osteoporosic), then you have to eat the food which we are
biologically adapted for and live a trully healthy life – healthy
There is no other routes to the highest
sustainable level of health...
Peru, 24.01.2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Alois Kolar, Raw foodist, Sympathizer of the Natural Health - Natural Hygiene (17.08.1996)
In the year 1930, Dr Paul Kouchakoff did make the research to compare the effects
of cooked food versus raw food. He discovered that Digestive
Leukocytosis occurred always and only, when cooked or processed food
was eaten.
found out, that there is no “immune system” response when we eat
our food in it's natural, raw, unheated, unprocessed state.
processed or cooked food are eaten,
rise in white blood cells occures by about 300%.
blood cells are our body's protectors, they are produced to stop
threats, like poison, traumas or diseases.
This reaction to eating
processed foods was called Digestive Leukocytosis thought to be
normal, but even today's “doctors” still thinking it is.
of Digestive Leukocytosis, eating cooked food keeps ones “immune
system” in a constant state of emergency. Even what he/she call
allergies are just our over burdened system literally freaking out
when an old or new irritant is encountered.
All foods are cooked above 42 °C are lifeless, they lose most of their nutritional value, vitamins and minerals which consume when we feel tired, weak and sick.
body response to processed, cooked food with mucus as well.
processed - cooked food is eaten, your organism tries to protect you
from strange invasion by creating excesive mucus.
This mucus makes somekind of protection between the food and your organism.
This mucus makes somekind of protection between the food and your organism.
We all raw foodist know (I start with raw food eating in 23.10.1994), if you eat any cooked food the first thing you
notice is within about 10 minutes your nose will start to run mucus
and if you eat a peace of meat, you will not sleep well trough the
night and next day you will have relatively strong sinusitis and your
eyes will be very sensible to the sunlight.
longer period of eating cooked - processed food, human so called
“immune system” literally gets worn out, level of toxemia is
getting higher and higher and they become run down and symptoms
becomes a normal part of their life.
do think that they are just ageing (as they are constantly told by
medicine “doctors”) and believe, they have no other choice than
to be more or less constantly in symptoms which becames cronical
Medicine doctors named that symptoms in ancient latin language and since than the symptoms became diseases, named with latin language as well “infectional diseases”, by "medical science" caused by bacteria or even in blood plasma and corporal fluids not yet - never detected “viruses”, and the doctors immediately proclaime themselves as the only ones who can protect entire human population from “infectional” diseases by preventive vaccinations; vaccine is toxic, harmful product of chemical-pharmaceutical industries. They need "virus" just to be able to "scientifically" justify vaccination (huge business).
Medicine doctors named that symptoms in ancient latin language and since than the symptoms became diseases, named with latin language as well “infectional diseases”, by "medical science" caused by bacteria or even in blood plasma and corporal fluids not yet - never detected “viruses”, and the doctors immediately proclaime themselves as the only ones who can protect entire human population from “infectional” diseases by preventive vaccinations; vaccine is toxic, harmful product of chemical-pharmaceutical industries. They need "virus" just to be able to "scientifically" justify vaccination (huge business).
here we are ;)...
you can change your destiny proclaimed by medical science, you can
change your eating habits, you can change your lifestyle and you will
be healthy, beautiful and happy till the end of your biological
clock. Just do it, it is for you :)!
Hrana, kuhana, procesirana
La comida cocinada
Hrana, kuhana, procesirana
La comida cocinada
– Philippines, 17.08.1996.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Alois Kolar
Laetrile (amygdalin) is a cyanide molecule, safely sandwiched between two other molecules
and you don't need at all to think about cyanide, because cyanide is
always present in the body as a normal product of the organism, just
as ammonia and carbon dioxide are.
body cells produce an enzyme (rhodanese) which neutralizes metabolic
cyanide before it can harm our tissues.
Trophoblast cells (cancer
cells) do not produce this protective enzyme, but they produce
another enzyme (beta.glucuronidase), which releases from the Leatrile
that deadly cyanide - deadly to the Trophoblast, cancer cells only
right at the side of the cancer.
normal cells has their perfect defense against the cyanide, while
Trophoblast cancer cells contains the perfect trap for its own
destruction but no defense.
No wonder that doctors in corrupted FDA (Federal Drug Administration), in NCI (National Cancer Institute) and in ACS (National Cancer Society) in magical USA has declared, it is illegal!
In doctors perverted game is $ gain by their invisible treatment of cancer!
According to this students of medical "science" - future medicine doctors learn in thier strange faculties that Laetrile is not effective (and will repeted it all thier life).
In doctors perverted game is $ gain by their invisible treatment of cancer!
According to this students of medical "science" - future medicine doctors learn in thier strange faculties that Laetrile is not effective (and will repeted it all thier life).
Strange, very strange world of the medical-chemical-pharmaceutical "science"...
Viva academia, viva profesores...
Viva academia, viva profesores...
is a biochemical phenomenon is called synergism. Furthermore,
cancerous cells contain approximately one hundred (100) times more
beta-glucosamidase concentration in the rest of the body, resulting
in a chemotherapy treatment natural, very efficient and well trained
so that healthy cells suffer no damage. Laetrile causes the release
of these two poisons affecting only cancer cells. (Ref. WWC, p 103)
where can we find Leatrile?
containing leatrile: cashew nuts, almonds, filbers, pistachios,
pecans, brazil nuts, papaya seeds (we can eat them) and alfalfa
my humble recommendation is: eat food we are biologically adopted for, live optimal lifestyle and you do not need to be scared about cancer.
- Natural Science of Health
Planet Earth - Peru, 21.01.2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Alois Kolar
Please try to remember that your beauty comes form within, not from the action you use to beautyfy your face, your body from the outside.
If you eat junk food (all cooked and processed food, all prepared food from food industry), food from animal sources, milk, cheese, famous yoghurt, kefir, if your mind is filled with jealousy, with hate, with envy – unhappy thoughts in gereral, they destroy a great amount of your vital or nerve energy and push you into state of illness before you act any stupidities to the other person, may be even to the one you loved "for ever"...
Remember please that nothing is the same as you see it right now, tomorrow, next month, next year of iven mor years everything will be different, depending on your (daily or monthly) point of view.
Why wouldn't you look at the problem from this point of view right now? It will helps you to make better decisions :)!
Yeah, of course, do not forget for your past experiences, learn something from them, but do not allowed to be an obstacle in your way to happines :).
If you really want to live your life with highest stage of health do eat food we are biologicaly, anatomicaly and physiologicaly adopted for and think only of that, what is beautiful, joyfull, necessary, do make sun tanning, exercises, make love, be a good friend, help to the people who needs more help as you do and you will be healthy, beautiful and happy :).
Perú, 08.08.2010
Monday, January 14, 2013
Alois Kolar
The children paralyzed by the meningitis vaccine were visited by the Prime Minister.
In this video footage of this event you'll also see the powerful groups involved in this "scientific" fiasco.
Peru - today
Monday, January 7, 2013
Before you were born, your lungs did not do much. Most of your blood bypasses them,
and wastes are removed by your mother.
As soon as you are born and take your
first breaths, changes take place in the heart that cause the circulation to
shift its course and include the lungs.
is made possible by the flexing of a muscle called the diaphragm, which is a
sheet of muscles between the chest and the abdomen, contracts to breathe air
into the lungs and relaxes to breathe air out of the lungs.
The brain
directs the rate of inhalation and exhalation of the lungs, the brain can
quickly sense the concentration of oxygen in the air, and increases or
decreases the rate of respiration accordingly.
The air
sacs of the lungs are technically called alveoli and are tiny spongy structures
in the lung, there are approximately 300 - 600 million alveoli (depends on the source) in the lungs.
There are
enough in just one lung to cover the size of a tennis court if spread out.
You breathe
about 23.000 times in a day, inhaling about 12, 400 cubic meters of air,
weighting more than your food and drink (about 10 kg).
A baby's lungs breathe at a much higher rate than adults. According
to the SMM, babies breath about 40 to 50 times per minute. Mothers know it ;).
respiratory (lung) diseases other than lung cancer are the fourth leading cause
of death in the United States, according the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
The American Lung Association (ALA) reports that lung cancer
is the second-most commonly diagnosed cancer, but is still the leading cause of
cancer death.
Geographic reports that lung cancer is diagnosed in 1.4 million people a year.
No wonder, all the cases in the courts of USA won tobacco industry ;)...
- Natural science of health
Peru, 07.01.2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Alois Kolar
Food – vital, alive and healthy
nutrients of food simply have to reach your head to improve your memory and all known and unknowh functions.
At least some
systems scientists reached partly the idea as James Joseph, a neuroscientist at
the Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University in Massachusetts in USA
did. He said: "There's getting to be a general consensus that what is good
for your heart is good for your brain."
Your brain
accounts for just 2 percent of your body weight, but it eats up about 20
percent of your oxygen intake. Since brain is such a hungry organ, your brain
depends on a strong cardiovascular system to ferry in supplies.
Healthy blood
pressure and cholesterol levels keep your arteries clear, leaving them free to
transport nutrients to your brain. Clear arteries also reduce risk of stroke,
which kills neurons when a blocked or ruptured vessel cuts off blood flow.
so nice to read that, isn't it? But generally recognized "sciences" does not understand that this is not possible achieved the way the system's “scientists” recommends.
The food
should not be destroyed by processing, cooking, baking and other way of the art of
processing and food destroying; if we want to have healthy brains and organism, we
should eat food we are biologically, physiologically and anatomically adopted
for; food must be in the form of raw, fresh ripe state, fruits, vital fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, juices of fruits or vegetables, occasionaly some eggs. We need to live the optimal lifestyle. There is no better way…
Did you know, that you were born
with all the brain cells you will ever have?
- That your brains
cannot work (good) without melanin (neuro)?
- That each half
of the brain controls the opposite side of the body?
- That the brain
is composed about the of cells which are mainly – in 80% of
That your brain consists of
about 100 billion neurons.
That the brain’s gray
matter is made up of neurons, which gather and transmit signals.
- That your nervous
system send messages with 297,72 km/h?
- - The
white matter is made up of dendrites and axons, which create the network by
which neurons send their signals.
- - That
elephant’s brain is physically larger than a human brain, the human brain is 2%
of total body weight compared to 0.15% of an elephant’s brain, meaning humans have the largest brain to body size.
- - That
boredom is brought on by a lack of change of stimulation, is largely a
function of perception, and is connected to the innate curiosity found in
- - That
those who experiencing blues are more
prone to spend money for shopping to alleviate their sadness, Researches said Researches said
- - That
men say around 12,500 words
per day, women speak around 22,000...
Perú, 04.01.2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The cell is
the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is one of the smallest units of life that is classified as a living
thing (except nanobi – microzyma) which consists only from DNA and RNA
covered by protein and lipids, and is often known as the building block of
It is amazing how human body grows up from one cell just to the point we
are right now and let us see some natural biological facts:
- From
the time of conception to the adulthood your body grows from one cell to
(one quadrillion cells).
- Each
cell is a storehouse for about 5000 enzymes needed for implement chemical
- Each
of cells of your organism is responsible for supervising 1000 to 10.000
different chemical reactions.
- Every
year at least 92 percents of your organism is renewed – replaced, even the
structure of DNA of your genes, reconstructed on the base the quality or misery
of the food you eat , better to say the nutrients from the excellent, raw food we are biologically, physiologically and anatomically designed for (or destroyed, processed no-food suported by scientifically educated "experts" as dietetics, nutritionists, medicine "doctors"...), you can assimilate; what it counts is complete, better to say: optimum lifestyle.
- Your
blood is renewed at the rate of million cells per second.
- The
stomach lining is completely regenerates in a 7 days.
- Liver
(healthy) regenerates in 6 – 7 weeks.
- Skin
surface regenerates in one month.
- Fat
cells replaced at the rate of about 10% per year, which means that in average human
organism it takes time for replaced fat cells about 9 years.
- Cardiomyocyte
heart cells are replaced at a reducing rate as we age. At age 25, about
1% of cells are replaced every year. Replacement slows gradually to about 0.5%
at age 70. Even in people who have lived a very long life, less than half of
the cardiomyocyte cells have been replaced. Those that aren’t replaced have
been there since birth.
- In
your body every second occures some 6 trillion reactions, each of them are
colerated with evey other reaction.
Now you can
see superiority of human body and all these wonderful processes works for it decades
millions of years, without any help of medicine doctors (they began together with first pharmacists their “scientific
art of invisible curing” in the dark 19 century: 1865 ;)).
If you really want to have healthy cells, tissues, organs, you have to eat raw food we are biologically adopted for - you have to live healthiest lifestyle possible - optimum lifestyle.
There is no other way to the highest stage of health, you cannot buy your health in the drugstores...
Natural Science of Health
There is no other way to the highest stage of health, you cannot buy your health in the drugstores...
Natural Science of Health
- Natural Science of Health (Natural
- Dynamics of fat cell turnover in
humans. Spalding KL, Arner E, Westermark PO, Bernard S, Buchholz BA,
Bergmann O, Blomqvist L, Hoffstedt J, Näslund E, Britton T, Concha H, Hassan M,
Rydén M, Frisén J, Arner P. Nature. 2008 Jun 5;453(7196):783-7.
- Evidence for Cardiomyocyte Renewal
in Humans. Olaf Bergmann, Ratan D. Bhardwaj, Samuel Bernard, Sofia
Zdunek, Fanie Barnabé-Heider, Stuart Walsh, Joel Zupicich, Kanar Alkass, Bruce
A. Buchholz, Henrik Druid, Stefan Jovinge, and Jonas Frisén. (3 April 2009) Science 324
(5923), 98.
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