Saturday, March 30, 2013


Alois Kolar

In "the most democratic country in the world” - magical United States of America, their president Barack Hussein Obama did sign the "Monsanto Protection Act" into law earlier this week. 

It grants Monsanto and the entire bio tech industry the power to nullify federal courts, even when those courts determine that particular GMO crops may be dangerous to human health or the environment.
This is Monsanto

The Monsanto Protection Act, part of the HR 933 continuing resolution, allows Monsanto to override U.S. federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the country. Even if those experimental crops are found to be extremely dangerous or to cause a runaway crop plague, the U.S. government now has no judicial power to stop them from being planted and harvested.
The signing of this bill by the president of US: Barack Husein Obama is widely seen as the "ultimate betrayal"...

IBT eports, the bill "effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of Monsanto  GMO crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products will come to light in the future." 

There are six ways how Monsanto destroys humanity:

Harmful GMO

They produce genetically engineered seeds which are used to grow corn which is fed to cows with the intention of increasing their mass. GMOs are harmful since they have been known to cause cancer therefore Monsanto has become a promoter of cancer.

Poisonous pesticides and other farm chemicals

They produce chemicals which are harmful and are sprayed on plants which eventually find their way on the tables of many families. These chemicals poison our body organs which eventually lead to death.



Promoters of Deforestation and desertification

Monsanto clears huge tracts of forest in order to set up their farms. This means they promote deforestation which eventually leads to desertification. As years go by with this kind of practice there will be no land to produce food which will lead to hunger and finally death.

Poisoning the water table

They produce synthetic nitrogen fertilizer which when sprayed in their farms is absorbed by the soil making its way to the water table. This has poisoned over two thirds of US drinking water with nitrate poisoning. Apart from poisoning drinking water, the chemicals make their way to the oceans which has led to oceanic dead zones. Examples include the Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake bay among others.

Wetland and Rainforest Destroyers

Moreover, depopulation control as well...
Monsanto model of draining wetlands and cutting down rainforests is a big promoter of destructive green house gases. Argentina is one of the victims of Monsanto’s rainforest destruction where they have planted genetically engineered soy. The destruction of the forest has led to destruction of animal and plant life that depend on the forest.


Generating new animal and human diseases

Glyphosate, one of the chemicals produced by Monsanto with the intention of killing pests has been found to be a contributor to new diseases in both humans and animals. The chemical when sprayed on plants kills the useful bacteria and leads to formation of virulent pathogens which are introduced in the body when one consumes the food. These pathogens have led to infertility and miscarriages in animals and soon humans.

Corporate-government conspiracy against the people is fascism! It might be spread it in some other as much "democratic" countries ;)...

Obama & Monsanto - Slovene
Obama y Monsanto - Spanish


Science is in our side, not in Monsanto Monsanto Crimes Against Humanity Monsanto hides toxcity test on RoundUp IBT
Monsanto protection Act
Seeds of Death
Monsanto Evil
Ten ways Monsanto is killing us
New Study links Monsanto's Roundop to Cancer
The complete history of Monsanto
GMO bulls
The Largest International Study

Feeding the world without GMO

Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 30.03.2013. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Alois Kolar

The last few years we look and listen to continuous aggressive marketing advertisings about the necessity of taking chemical-pharmaceutical preparation of DHA. Do we really need it or is it just another one good business matter?

Always quick respond Chemical-Pharmaceutical industry on discovery of any "new element" is, to present to the scientific and non-scientific population the importance of this new element, which they finally discovered and they already produce it in the benefit of entire human population, but special for the benefits of children (excellent marketing move), because parents will spend the last cent of their money for the benefits of their children, right?
There is no difference with DHA product.

Docosahexaenoic acid – DHA (formula C22H32O2) is an omega 3 fatty acid, which is a primary structural component of the human body: skin, sperm, testicles, retina, human brain and cerebral cortex. It is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants and is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults.
The inclusion of plentiful DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are associated with deficits in learning. DHA is taken up by the brain in preference to other fatty acids. The turnover of DHA in the brain is very fast, more so than is generally realized.

DHA deficiencies are associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, unipolar depression, aggressive hostility, and adrenoleukodystrophy.
Decreases in DHA in the brain are associated with cognitive decline during aging and with onset of sporadic Alzheimer disease.

All scientific resources notoriously repeated one after another that we can find DHA in fish oil or microalgae, which are practicaly produced by chemical-pharmaceutical industry (or food industry). If we would not take these products, we and our children could not have sufficient quantity of DHA and children could not be able to study any more, right?

Not exactly! 
The largest number of species - of the organisms in this planet are vegetarians (herbivores, frugivors) and they do not consume fish oil or microalgae to obtain necessary DHA (even carnivores do not), but they simply – naturally follow their diet in the nature and are in excellent health condition.

Human specie as a natural designed frugivor does not need to to take fish oil, microalgae or even chemical-pharmaceutical product DHA to fulfill all its' necessities, we simply have to follow diet regime we are biologically adopted for (optimal diet regime), because human organism (as all vegetarian organisms) can synthesize DHA from alpha linolenic acid and it does it for decades millions of years. We can find alpha linolenic acid in nuts and seeds and in green parts of the plants.
How could human specie would survive without chemical-pharmaceutical industry, without medicine “doctors” for millions of years if would not be this way?

According to Sprecher, in mammals, DHA is synthesized via a retro-conversion process in peroxisomes-the aerobic delta4 desaturation-independent pathway. Recent identification of a Thraustochytrium delta4 desaturase indicates that delta4 desaturation is indeed involved in DHA synthesis in Thraustochytrium. More interestingly, an alternative pathway for DHA biosynthesis-the anaerobic polyketide synthase pathway was also reported recently to occur in Schizochytrium, another member of the Thraustochytriidae.

No nutritional supplement can supply all the factors found in raw, living whole foods! 
Supplementing with isolated nutrient does not work, because nutrients can work only by interaction with other nutrients.

  • Natural science of health
  • Qiu, X. (2003). "Biosynthesis of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6-4, 7,10,13,16,19): two distinct pathways." Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 68(2): 181-6

    DHA - Slovene
    DHA - Spanish

    Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 21.03.2013.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Alois Kolar

The Russian authorities were suspended the import and sale of genetically modified maize by Monsanto Corporation, after a French study showed a link between GMOs and cancer!

Russian consumer rights regulator Rospotrebnadzor called scientists at the Institute Nutricija to review the study. Rospotrebnadzor came into contact with the Directorate of the European Commission on health and consumers to explain the position of the European Union on genetically modified maize.

The report, published by the University of Caen - France last week, claims that the rats that were fed with Monsanto's GM maize NK 603, two years, developed multiple tumors and other diseases than the control group which were kept in conventional maize. 
NK 603, which are sold under the brand Roundup, is genetically modified to withstand pesticide glyphosate.

Corporation, criticized the study's criticism that the study "does not meet the minimum standards acceptable for this type of scientific research," and that the information is incomplete.
Monsanto said that the Russian ban had very little impact on their business, because the state imports a small amount of corn from the U.S.. In addition, the Russian government does not allow farmers to plant GMO corn. "Russia is a net exporter of grain, so the actual impact of the suspension, if any, is very small," the spokesman said in a statement.

Meanwhile, France will continue its ban on genetically modified products in the country, despite pressure from the European Union. France has urged the National Agency for Food ANSES to consider a study on Monsanto maize. 
If other countries follow Russia and France would be a severe blow to perverted American biotechnology.

In federal state of California, activists are fighting for the removal of GM food from the shelves. They also are struggling to adopt Proposition 37, a law that requires mandatory labeling of GMO products. Monsanto opposes the law and has already donated $ 4.2 million to lobby against the law (mafia). 
More than 2000 farmers urged the U.S. government to more thoroughly study the effects of genetically modified maize by Monsanto Corporation.


Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 20.03.2013

Monday, March 4, 2013


Alois Kolar

There are about five thousand potato varieties worldwide. Three thousand of them are found in the Andes alone, mainly in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

They belong to eight or nine species (depending on the taxonomic school). Apart from the five thousand cultivated varieties, there are about 200 wild species and subspecies, many of which can be cross-bred with cultivated varieties, which has been done repeatedly to transfer resistances to certain pests and diseases from the gene pool of wild species to the gene pool of cultivated potato species.

The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennuial Solanum tuberosum of the Solanacae familly. 
In the region of the Andes there are some other closely related cultivated potato species. 
Potatoes were introduced outside the Andes region four centuries ago, and have become an integral part of much of the world's cuisine. 
It is the world's fourth largest food crop, follows rice, wheat and maize.

The common white potato contains two narcotic alkaloids named chaconine and solanine which makes potato poisoning, they are poisoness even when cooked. Solanine poisoning will produce weakness, throat burning, intestinal irritations, stomach pains, diarrhea, or constipation, ulceration, hemorrhage. White potato contains gama amino butyric acid, that may have sedative activity.
Red potatos is more recommended over white, because does not have this poisons due to the different chemistry, but unfortunately in Europe is more food for the pigs, because scientificaly educated “inteligent people” believe that white potato is the best potato food for humans.

Cholinesterase, the enzyme plays important role in nerve impulses, the toxins chaconine and solanine in potatos affect nerve transmition like the most toxic chemical warfare agents. They block nerve transmition and are also teratogens, substances that cause fetal malformations.
In potatos are present at 15 mg per 200 g (75 ppm), at autopsy both of them are found in the tissues of potato eaters.
We are what we eat ;)

Potatoes are supposed to be one of the world's greatest foods, filled with calcium, niacin, iron, vitamin C and plenty of carbohydrates. A diet of milk and potatoes, the "textbooks say", will provide all the nutrients the human body needs. But there is trouble lurking beneath the skin. According to a controversial new theory, potatoes, eaten in large quantities by a population increasingly sedentary and overweight, may be a major contributor to America's alarming rates of heart disease and diabetes.

The problem, according to Meir Stampfer, a nutrition professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, is potato starch. When you eat a potato and that starch hits the saliva in your mouth, its tightly bundled molecules immediately get turned into sugars, which make a beeline for the blood. "You ate a potato," says Stampfer, "but your body is getting pure glucose." The flood of blood sugar sets off a chain reaction. Insulin pours out of the pancreas. Triglycerides shoot up. HDL (good) cholesterol takes a dive. "It's a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes," says Stampfer.

This is not just a potato problem. It's also a problem with bread, bagels and most rice (cereales). But couch potatoes don't have to give up their spuds altogether, as long as they eat them in moderation. Or they could switch to sweet potatoes and yams, which metabolize less rapidly and wreak less havoc with blood sugar. Bagel.

Far better options of healthy food eating are fruits, which contains everything as potato (and not contains both toxins), but much more and we are biologically adopted for. 

Might it be your healthy choice as well ;)...


- Natural scince of health
- Quillin, 123
- Gagne, 210


Udon Thani - Thailand, 14.03.2001