Sunday, June 30, 2013


Alois Kolar

By heating whatever food, hundreds of different mutagenic substances originate. The more protein that food contains, the more mutagenics originate due to cooking, preparing. Such kind of food act in your body as a drug, infact it is a drug! 
Moreover, if you'll only live long enough, these mutagenic substances will cause cancer.

All cooked - prepared foods contain non HCA damaged protein, which is partly decomposed in the blood, but originating free radicals.

Consuming prepared meat increases the risk of contracting lung cancer (1), breast cancer (2), prostate cancer (3), and colon cancer (4).

This only means that prepared meat contains more mutagenic substances than prepared food. Of course vegetarians get cancer too, though in general a little less(5), because vegetarians do consume prepared food, but no prepared meat.

Prepared vegetables contain less mutagenic substances than meat. Therefore, two out of three scientific investigations show that consuming prepared soy beans instead of prepared meat, causes less cancer. (6) And therefore “scientists” conclude, that “soy is protective against cancer”, this is as far from the truth as the moon from the earth. 
The truth is that soy (and vegetables) causes less cancer than meat, but it causes.

The fact is that all cooked - prepared foods (vegetables as well) contain mutagenic substances – substances that cause cancer. 

Foods increasing cancer risk the most are prepared foods containing higher quantities of protein (like meat (7) and fish (8)), most fat (9), cholesterol (like eggs) (10) or iodide (like sea-fish, crustaceans) (11).

Friday, June 28, 2013


Alois Kolar

People who increase their (red) meat intake gain weight and increase their risk for diabetes, according to a new study published by the American Medical Association. Researchers analyzed the data of 149,143 participants from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, the Nurses’ Health Study, and the Nurses’ Health Study II and found that an increase of more than half of a serving of meat per day increased the risk for type 2 diabetes by 48 percent. Decreasing meat intake resulted in weight loss and a decreased risk for diabetes.


Pan A, Sun Q, Berstein AM, Manson JE, Willett WC, Hu FB. Changes in red meat consumption and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. JAMA Intern Med. Published ahead of print June 17, 2013.

Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru 28.06.2013

Friday, June 21, 2013


Alois Kolar

Previously healthy young women are reporting cervical abnormalities and cancer after receiving the HPV vaccine. 

In March 2012, 669 women reported abnormal pap smears and cervical dysplasia to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. 50 women reported cancer as a result of the HPV vaccine. It is estimated that these reports are a very small percentage of the actual events...

HPV vaccines have not been proven safe or effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases from infecting children. The targeted illnesses of liver disease and cervical cancer are not commonplace for infants, children and young adults. It is important that parents examine the facts prior to giving permission for these routine medical procedures.

The real potential health risks need to be carefully weighed against the unproven protections against disease which all these experts promise.

According to the Natural science of health the real protection of “sexual transmitted disease” in children (girls of 8 or 11 years old) is healthy lifestyle, optimal food eating and nothing else, highly respected medicine “doctors”, pharmacists and politicians!

Vaccines do not protect us from disease, they are cause of it!



Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 21.06.2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Alois Kolar

The logical approach of Natural science of health give us results and this is the way of life (or prevention as it should be defined by medical science), but unfortunately the medicine "doctors” can understand prevention just in all kinds of preventive exams, mamography and using chemical-pharmaceutical drugs (and) vaccines.

My personal researches from 1993 till 2013 shows strong relations between diet (recommended by cientifically educated experts - nutritionist, dietists, medicine “doctors”) and disease: cooked, procesed food, meat, milk and dairy products (as cheese, yogurt), cereales, graines,  but for the last year the more scientific studies we read are mostly financed by chemical-pharmaceutical companies, the more discovered that "these experts" know very well the causes of major disease(s), but they publicly pretend not to know. 
They still blame as a cause of disease bacteria or viruses ;)...

But why?

The first and the most important reason is medieval "medical science" which they cannot change it very rapidly, because of so famous doctors (which pretend to be infalible for hundred and more years...) and the second reason is that those studies are financed just for one reason: to make as much money possible - I already wrote about this problem 15 years ago.

These chemical-pharmaceutical companies are not there to make you healthier, they are there just to make money, by “exploring chemical-pharmaceutical solutions” and their excellent payed “academic glory”, which makes them the reachest branch of the world.
They do not want you to know the real causes of disease, they just want you to buy their drugs in the proces of invisible cure, and all these commercial “scientifically supported” companies are also closley tied to the goverment in any country, it would not be logical to expect any differency...

The main problem is, that medical “science” - their intelectual medieval program of healthcare system, relies on findings from such scientific studies, which are mostly financed by chemical-pharmaceutical companies, either directly or indirectly (for example: sponsoring of universities where studying future “doctors”). 
This system is therefore “designed” to make all of you sick all the time and therefore dependendent on drugs, not to prevent sickness, disease.

Do you still want this?


Than you have to become an independent thinker, you have to change your lifestyle with your bad daily eating (and other) habits and you will be healthy again, without “doctors” and chemical-pharmaceutical drugs, they prescribe.

Optimal lifestyle is the best solution...

Chiclayo – Lambayeque, PerĂº 09 de junio de 2013