Alois Kolar
Happened in 1970, in the "most democratic country of the world", one more time.
Henry Kissinger |
Kissinger - at that time the U.S.A. National Security Advisor, gave the people of the world a glimpse of the type of future the status quo had in mind for them when he said: "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."
Forty four years later, almost one billion people don't have enough food to eat and the people of the world are watching with growing alarm as global biotech companies try to force foods grown from GMO seeds onto their dinner plates.
Why the hell do these companies prefer GMO seeds to natural, organic seeds? And why the government of "the most democratic country" in the world support them so much?
Simply because they can be patented.
Just as with patented pharmaceutical drugs, the patenting of seeds allows the companies who own them to control markets and make higher profits. When they gets a power, country gets a power...
Дмитрий Медведев |
Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, announces that his country will not import GMO food products.
Speaking in Volgograd at a meeting of deputies from rural settlements, he described how the Russian nation has enough space and resources to produce organic food and stated that he has ordered widespread monitoring of the country's agricultural sector.
My congratulations to Mr. Medvedev, my congratulations to Russia!
We have to stop the "GMO madness" and bring an end to malnutrition and world hunger!
But, "famous" Monsanto Corporation from magical USA goes now to African countries, where they probably might succeed with their strange and absolutelly unnecessary GMO seeds foood and pesticide experiments.
Even India doesn't "love it - them" any more...
Piran - Slovenia, 13.04.2014