Saturday, February 20, 2016


Alois Kolar, B.HSc.

The germ theory of disease is the premise upon which is superimposed a tremendous network of medical procedures and their huge business (together with chemical-pharmaceutical industry) in our time.

French chemist Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822, in Dole, located in the Jura region of France. He grew up in the town of Arbois, and his father, Jean-Joseph Pasteur, was a tanner and a sergeant major decorated with the Legion of Honor during the Napoleonic Wars. An average student, Pasteur was skilled at drawing and painting. He earned his bachelor of arts degree (1840) and bachelor of science degree (1842) at the Royal College of Besançon and a doctorate (1847) from the École Normale in Paris.

The germ theory says that disease is due solely to invasion by specific aggressive microscopic organisms, what means that specific germ is responsible for each disease. All these microscopic microorganisms are capable of reproduction and transportation outside of an organism. It was founded on the assumption that germs are specific and unchangeable in their structure and chemical characteristics.

Eminent modern bacteriologist and Pulitzer Prize Winner in 1968, Dr. Rene Dubos contradicted to this assumption by showing that virulence of microbial species is variable.

Louis Pasteur in 1880 admitted his mistake. Coworker of Pasteur Dr. Duclaux wrote Pasteur

nearly at 60 years of his age discovered facts, which were not in accord with his previous conception, that germs of disease were unchangeable. He found that microbial species undergo many transformations. This discovery destroyed the basis for the germ theory.

Germs do not cause disease, already in 1914 M.D. Mr. E. C. Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories in Rochester, Minnesota - USA describes his demonstration that streptococci could be made to assume all the characteristics of pneumococci pneumonia germs, simply by feeding them on pneumonia virus and making other minor alterations in their environment, when the procedure was reversed, they quickly reverted back to pus germs. 

No matter of the type of germs, in all cases they quickly mutated into other types always, when their environment and food were changed. All his experiments were reported in Journal of the Infectious Diseases 1914, Vol. 14, pages 1 to 32.

Two bacteriologists in New York made similar experiments, converted cocci into bacilli and vice versa…

From these experiments shows that specific bacteria do not produce specific disease symptoms. It is the environment and the type of soil which determines the type of bacteria that proliferate!

In 1762 a Viennese physician M. A. Plenciz published the first Germ Theory of Infectious Diseases. According to Dr. Leverson of England, in 1860 Pasteur took a credit for the experiments and ideas of others, plagiarizing and distorting their discoveries. He said that Pasteur became identified as originator of germ theory just because of his strong personality, and enthusiasm.

Claude Bernard and Pasteur had many debates on importance of the microbe and the

internal environment and Bernard disputed the validity of the germ theory maintained, that the general condition of the patient organism was the principal factor of disease, but his idea was largely ignored by the medical "profession".

Even Louis Pasteur was a chemist and knew very little about biology and life processes, he was a respected and influential man, also because of his father. 
His powerful influence on his contemporaries, his phobic fear of infection, in malignity and belligerence of germs had reaching consequences on the men of science. 
Thus was born the long period of fear of germs, bacilli, bacteria, huge chemical-pharmaceutical-medical business which exist and grows even in this time. ;-)

Around 1880 Louis Pasteur discovered facts which were not in accord with his previous conception that disease germs were unchangeable. He finds out that microbial species can undergo many transformation, so this discovery destroyed the basis of germ theory. Since a coccus (pneumonia germ) could change to a bacillus (typhoid germ) and back again, in fact, any germ could turn into another and their virulence could be altered, the whole theory exploded. Well, since than Pasteur had changed his direction, his more reasonable conception of the cause of disease as given by Dr. Duclaux was, that a germ ordinarily kept within bounds by natural laws, but when condition change and when its host is enfeebled, the germ was able to invade the territory which was barred to it up to that time. In fact this is a premise that healthy body is resistant to disease or better to say, not susceptible to it.

After he changed his outlook after the numerous experiments along the time Pasteur was convinced that controllable physiological factors were basic in the assessment of vulnerability to disease and he concluded: “The presence of a pathogenic agent in the body is not necessarily synonymous with infectious disease!” 

“The presence of the certain germs is not a proof that they are the cause of a disease!”

Louis Pasteur did reverse his scientific position and acknowledge that germs are not the specific and primary cause of disease and he abandoned the germ theory. He is reported to have said on his deathbed: “Bernard was right. The seed is nothing, the soil is everything!” 
Despite Louis Pasteur abandoned his early very immature and erroneous theory in 1880, it was accepted, developed fostered and perpetuated by others and this ultimate irony of medical science continue to this day as a huge business for chemical-pharmaceutical industry and medicine doctors.

Exactly in that time medicine claimed to be a science... ;-)

La Teoría de los Germenes

La Playa Punta Brava, Tucacas - Venezuela, 2012

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Alois Kolar

Apple cider vinegar is most known for its benefits for weight loss, right?

In fact, science has confirmed that it can aid in weight loss by speeding up metabolism: apple cider vinegar contains organic acids and enzymes that speed up fat burning.
Also, the high dose of potassium and fiber fill you up more quickly and help reduce food cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels.
In fact, a study in obese individuals has shown that daily vinegar consumption does lead to reduced belly fat, triglyceride levels (fatty acids in the blood) and waist circumference.
Interestingly, studies have shown that especially adult women consumed fewer calories throughout the day when drinking apple cider vinegar before breakfast.
The reason for this might be that apple cider vinegar slows down the absorption of glucose into our blood stream. Thus, it takes longer to digest food and small bouts of Insulin are released over an extended period of time. This increases secretion of hormones regulating hunger and satiety in our brain and will help reduce food cravings.
As a caloric deficit is the only way to lose weight, apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for people dieting..."

Be wiser and forget about all these studies...

Let's go to the main point now, let's talk about truthful »benefits« of apple cider vinegar.

Cider vinegar is made by pressing the apples – apple juice and fermenting it in the same way as making cider.

The fermented juice is left to age for about 6 months and than the process of turning the alcohol into acetic acid begins.

Acetic acid is very destructive and corrosive to the tissues of the digestive tract, in fat to all tissues and cells of the organism. Even small amount halts your digestion completely, acetic acid is so strong that it dissolves certain metals and remove rust from steel. Consumption of vinegar will soon or later result in bad health, therefore is better never to be consumed. If you want to loose your weight or even if you catch cold this is not good treatment at all. In both cases the body already is in higher toxic state, especial if you are cold. The reaction on the part of the organism is to rid itself of accumulated toxic debris and we should not interfere with. Vinegar is a drug who use suppresses of vital energy – activity of the organism in conducting the elimination task called a cold.

The best food for human beings
There is no need to use cider (apple) vinegar to kill bacteria, to loose weight, to heal your cold. If you live healthy lifestyle. 

If you don't want to mummify yourself, to preserve yourself from inside out, don't use apple cider vinegar or any other vinegar at all.

Everything you need to do is to adopt optimum lifestyle with optimum feeding in this way you will assure to your organism basics for optimum work of cells, tissues, organs; organism heal itself if we give it food we are biologically the most adopted for, living optimum lifestyle. 

As a consequence no »doctors« or "healers" needed any more...

Piran - Slovenia, 17.02.2016