Sunday, December 24, 2017


Alois Kolar, B.HSc.

To all my dear friends who have find the truth & lasting Optimal Lifestyle & Health and to all those who attend to do it and to all those who have been dedicated to beautiful life in 2017.
Now it is indeed a perfect time to have a fresh start, to begin a new healthy life, and to be a better person.

Бабушка Мороз
May life grant you:

12 month of love, sexuality, fruits and vegetables,
52 weeks of joy,
365 days of success in all aspects of life,
8760 hours of Optimal health,
52600 minutes of inner peace
3153600 seconds of happiness. 😘

That's all I wish for you!
Happy New Beginning!


Lendava – Slovenia, 2017.12.24.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Unvaccinated Children Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illness, Jackson State Study Find

Alois Kolar

The first peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated children versus unvaccinated was recently published in the Journal of Translational Science by epidemiologists from the School of Public Health at Jackson State University. The study’s conclusions are likely to inflame the fierce debate over whether vaccines and a mercury-containing vaccine preservative may be culprits in the dramatic rise in certain neurodevelopmental disorders in our children, including autism.The “Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children” implicates vaccines in a host of chronic illnesses now epidemic in our nation’s children. The team of scientists, led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Mawson, the author of more than fifty published studies, concluded that “In a final adjusted model designed to test for this possibility, controlling for the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination, the following factors remained significantly associated with NDD: vaccination (OR 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.6), nonwhite race (OR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.4), and male gender (OR 2.3, 95% CI: 1.2, 4.4). Preterm birth itself, however, was not significantly associated with NDD, whereas the combination (interaction) of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5) (Table 8).” Jackson State is a leading university research center.

The study suggests that fully vaccinated children may be trading the prevention of certain acute illnesses (chicken pox, pertussis) for more chronic illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) like ADHD and Autism.

In order to find a large population of children who had not received any vaccines, the Jackson State scientists utilized Homeschool organizations in four states and compared the incidence of a broad range of health outcomes in 666 children, 39% of whom were unvaccinated. Among the more concerning findings, vaccinated children had increased risks of autism (4.2 times), ADHD (4.2 times), learning disabilities (5.2 times) eczema (2.9 times), and an astounding 30 times the risk of allergic rhinitis compared to unvaccinated children.

As would be expected, vaccinated children did have lower likelihood of two vaccine-preventable illnesses compared to unvaccinated children: chicken pox (7.9% vs. 25.3%), and pertussis (2.5% vs. 8.4%), but the scientists found no significant differences in rates of other vaccine-preventable illnesses like hepatitis A or B, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, meningitis or rotavirus. The study suggests that fully vaccinated children may be trading the prevention of certain acute illnesses (chicken pox, pertussis) for more chronic illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) like ADHD and Autism.
Despite numerous requests over the years from parents and vaccine safety advocates for just this type of research, the corrupted CDC has failed to act...

This video you must watch!

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Alois Kolar

I believe the vaccine issue is perhaps one of the greatest issues of our time. It’s not about being pro or against vaccines; it’s about educating ourselves to make informed decisions for our health.
Like it or not, we’re living in the age of vaccines.  And especialy in USA pharmaceutical companies (BigPharma, fully supported by all ex USA governments, especially by regime of Barack Hussein Obama) are developing and marketing more and more every year — for all, for children, for adults, for men, for women, for cats, for dogs everything in the name of false science, useless intellectuals and totally brainwashed population.

We have a powerful 7 days coming for you with The Truth About Vaccines, and this information is vital for parents to have to fully understand the vaccine issue and make the best decision for their families.

Here is a sneak peak of the critically important topics each of the seven episodes will address:

Episode 1: The History of Vaccines, Smallpox, Vaccine Safety & the Current CDC Schedule
Episode 2: What's in a Vaccine?  Are Vaccines Effective? … and ... What About Polio?
Episode 3: In Depth Analysis of the MMR and DTaP Vaccines & Vaccinating for the Greater Good
Episode 4: Examining Influenza, the HIB and Pneumococcal Vaccines & Herd Immunity
Episode 5: Considering the HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines, SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome
Episode 6: A Closer Look at the CDC, Chicken Pox and Rotavirus Vaccines & Retroviruses
Episode 7: Natural Immunization, Homeoprophylaxis & Fundamental Freedom of Choice.

Here it is - Episode 1: The History of Vacccines, Smallpox, Vaccine safety

Episode 3: In Depth Analysis of the MMR and DTaP Vaccines & Vaccinating for the Greater Good

Lendava - Slovenia, 13.04.2017