Alois Kolar, B.HSc.
Natural Hygiene - Natural Science of Health is true science, which constant consideration leads to permanent and highest stage of Health. It is one pure, true and consistent system, that is based on biological facts and Laws of Life, regardless of being supported by the pseudo - recognized scientific, untrue experimental system (the art of medical science, roped with chemical-pharmaceutical industry), or not.
Jezero Bled, Slovenija - Lake Bled, Slovenia |
Natural Science of Health – Natural Hygiene maintains that health is the personal responsibility of each individual, and that vibrant health is achieved only by the conscientious application of healthful living practices in all areas (optimal lifestyle) of someone’s life. Natural Science of Health – Natural Hygiene is for people who are looking for a very good life and it offers to you the opportunity to live the healthiest, happiest life possible.
Natural Science of Health (Natural health – Natural Hygiene) is somewhat simply as real science could be, as life favoring the use of natural or unadulterated materials and it is often understood as the general avoidance of compounds not found in nature. This includes all unnatural foods we eat, personal care, home products, clothing and most of all invisible treatments by medicine "doctors". But it is much more than this...
Natural Science of Health is the state of all successfully adapted natural life – it is an organic harmony achieved through natural selection that normally occurs in evolved niches in the larger environment and thus brings with it natural species specific requirements. This use of science to better understand and express our natural health amid "modern life" includes first better explaining how health is created and maintained in nature, in humans and other forms of life, and then exploring how this natural process might be utilized and enhanced to encourage new health and vitality in our individual lives, communities, countries and global society.
Disease is one only (except excessive malnutrition) and it calls toxemia, but medicine doctors invented more than 35.000 names for disease (by art of medicine named: "Diagnoses") which means nothing at all, except makes them possibility to prescribe (to sell) - by their "science" specific drugs for specific disease(s), better to say: symptoms.
Please do understand that attain health in these "scientific" ways is not possible.
The body is self-healing, it is self-governing, it is self-developing, it is self-constructing, it is self-defending and it is self-repairing organism.
Sickness is in most cases consequence of toxemia and toxemia is a consequence of incorrect food eating and destructive way of living. Sick person can not be healed with drugs - medicaments (highly toxic substances), chemotherapies and "preventive" vaccination (vaccination do not protect us, vaccination is the cause of disease!) and other alternative manipulations of various kind of healers and "alternative doctors" (who simply self-proclaimed themselves as "certified hygienic doctors").
My strength and success based on the true science and if we consider these Laws of Life, we live free of disease.
Optimum diet regime is a major part of Optimal Lifestyle.
In Natural Science of Health we do not use vitamins, minerals, proteins, Omega 3 fatty acids, lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium, magical tinctures and powders, parts of carcasses, enzymes and co-enzymes, dead chemical-pharmaceutical products nor magical new plants - their pharmaceutical substances promoted as "natural or organic" from "hidden places" of the world and I am not going to sell you any "super-food(s)" at all.
We do not do any kind of therapies (homeopathic therapies, chiropractic therapies, osteopathic therapies, naturopathic therapies, "spiritual fasting & spiritual wandering").
Bacteria are our symbiotic partners and do not cause a disease, virus doesn't cause it as well!
So called "contagious and deadly viruses" as HIV (AIDS), Hepatitis C virus, Polio virus, Avian flu virus: H5N1, Human Papiloma - HPV and Swine flu virus H1N1, are not the microbes who invade human organism! In reality these micro-particles are produced by the body cells themselves! They are markers of the changes and not the cause of disease - therefore they are not contagious and disease is not contagious as well!
Nobody, I say nobody has yet managed to detect all these "virus structures" in the blood serum of so called patients, therefore from this logical perspective also, medical & pharmaceutical "science(s)" are false, incorrect!
The main cause of disease toxemia is, which is result of wrong eating and living - living wrong lifestyle in general, but such lifestyle and feeding has been daily promoted by pseudo - recognized system, by "scientifically educated experts, nutritionists, dietetics", supported by medicine "doctors", chemical-pharmaceutical industry and false educational system.
It is also true - unfortunately, that Food industry dictate food eating policy (with of the money from huge profit), even it is cancer producing industry!
Natural Science of Health teaches us for what kind of food humans are biological, physiological and anatomical best adopted for, you will learn in what way you will need to live in the future if you want to be truly and continuously healthy. In that way of living you will also avoid a huge bills for invisible healing with drugs, very expensive surgical operations, chemotherapies and a lot of pains, suffering, caused by "doctors" of so called medical "science" in roped party with chemical-pharmaceutical industry which both based on the missed medieval Theory of Germs invented by Louis Pasteur in 19 th century.
This theory is still a shore of so called medical science, although is a myth, nothing else than myth!
You can use the optimal lifestyle system from almost any state of personal and community health, whether you want to lose or gain weight, improve your fitness and physical conditioning, eliminate symptoms of reduced health, realize greater well-being and personal harmony, or pursue and create life from the new truthful science of Natural health - Natural Hygiene – Natural Science of Health.
Decision must be voluntary, yours...
Would you really like to become an independent thinker? Is your desire to be healthy, slim but strong, beautiful, to live happily is strong enough?
Lendava - Slovenia, 15.02.2018