Even your highly intelligent BFF can get things wrong! I've fallen for this. Once or twice...
Just because your friend trusted a company that made a beautiful looking product and your friend thinks it's healthy doesn't mean they have done their homework.
If it's too good to be true, then it probably is. Just remember, most of us love our raw and healthy foods but we have those things that we love and don't want to give up. It's likely that a lot of your health minded friends will too. Don't trust that a food is 'healthy' just because your "super healthy" friend does...
Your vegan burger might be cruelty free which is great, but it might also be a load of chemicals, additives, GMO produced junk laced with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, bad salt and hydrogenated oils and more. Foods with these ingredients are no longer foods but food-like products. Sure you can use them to get yourself past a craving if you need to, but make sure you eat loads of high water content, fresh, whole, raw, and preferably organic foods to help your poor body cope with the onslaught of other things!
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Excellent grapes from Lendavske Gorice, Lendava, Slovenia |
To be a vegan means not quite a lot for your health (it's good for animals, but not for you), we are biologically, physiologically and anatomically speaking frutarians (fruit eaters, nuts and seeds eaters), not vegan burger eaters or pasta, pizza and bread eaters and especially not healthy soy eaters
You as a vegan should know that cooking, baking food creates the toxins that cause disease - including cancer.
Probably you ask yourself, why "doctor" don't tell you this very important thing,the reason is that those studies are financed for one reason only: to make money. These chemical-pharmaceutical companies - including medicine "doctors" are not there to make you healthier, they are just there to make money, by "exploring pharmaceutical solutions". They don’t want you to know the causes of diseases and prevent them, they just want you to buy their drugs. And since these are commercial companies, it would be unfair to expect any differently, wouldn't it? The main problem is, that "our healthcare system" relies on findings from such scientific studies, mostly financed by pharmaceutical companies, either directly or indirectly (sponsoring of universities). This system is therefore 'designed' to make you more dependent on drugs than to prevent disease.
Do think about it, please...
Once again: By heating whatever food, hundreds of different mutagenic substances originate. The more protein that food contains, the more mutagenics originate due to cooking etc. If we only live long enough, these substances will cause cancer.
As with vegan foods, Gluten Free foods can be overly processed and full of other products that are not going to help your physical well-being. Read the label at all times, but much better solution for you is to change your eating habits into raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds with at least three main meals per day and two snacks between main meals.
Please, do not be naive and eat twice or even once a day - in this case you would shorten your way to cemetery...
My advice: do not eat this non (vegan) food; if you truly want to be healthy, do eat raw. Raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, home prepared fruit or vegetable juices and change your lifestyle completely.
For such kind of food we humans are biologically the most adopted for.
Well, this is it... ;-)
Piran - Slovenia, 13. 09. 2016.