Sunday, April 27, 2014


Alois Kolar

Great Britain drug company GlaxoSmithKline is facing a criminal
GlaxoSmithKline, London - GB
investigation in Poland for allegedly bribing doctors', BBC Panorama has discovered. Eleven doctors and a GSK regional manager have been charged over alleged corruption between 2010 and 2012.

With Glaxo having already paid a record $3 billion in criminal fines in the (can you imagine this?) United States in 2012, its sales in China plunging after a bribery scandal there last year and further allegations of bribery now being investigated in Iraq, the company's problems seem set to deepen...

We do not need chemical-pharmaceutical drugs to be healthy, we do need to eat food we are biologically adopted for (fruits, vegetable, nuts, seeds, home prepared juices...) and to live optimum lifestyle!


Piran - Slovenia, 27.04.2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Alois Kolar

The company, an affiliate of USA based healthcare giant Johnson and Johnson, advised medical workers  in Japan to use the Paliperidone Palmitate
USA drug Paliperidone Palmitate
drug with great care even though it was not know whether it had caused the deaths...

The Japanese unit of major drugmaker Janssen Pharmaceuticals says 17 people have died after being injected with its drug to treat schizophrenia since it was launched in Japan last November.

Be carefull, try to live as much healthy (optimal lifestyle) as possible and you will avoid all disease problems and of course drug treatments from bigest drug cartel of the Planet: chemical-pharmaceutical industry with medical "Science".


Vrhnika - Slovenia, 22.04.2014.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Alois Kolar

Happened in 1970, in the "most democratic country of the world", one more time. 

Henry Kissinger
Kissinger - at that time the U.S.A. National Security Advisor, gave the people of the world a glimpse of the type of future the status quo had in mind for them when he said: "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." 

Forty four years later, almost one billion people don't have enough food to eat and the people of the world are watching with growing alarm as global biotech companies try to force foods grown from GMO seeds onto their dinner plates. 

Why the hell do these companies prefer GMO seeds to natural, organic seeds? And why the government of "the most democratic country" in the world support them so much?

Simply because they can be patented. 
Just as with patented pharmaceutical drugs, the patenting of seeds allows the companies who own them to control markets and make higher profits. When they gets a power, country gets a power... 

Дмитрий Медведев
Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, announces that his country will not import GMO food products. 
Speaking in Volgograd at a meeting of deputies from rural settlements, he described how the Russian nation has enough space and resources to produce organic food and stated that he has ordered widespread monitoring of the country's agricultural sector. 

My congratulations to Mr. Medvedev, my congratulations to Russia!

We have to stop the "GMO madness" and bring an end to malnutrition and world hunger!

But, "famous" Monsanto Corporation from magical USA goes now to African countries, where they probably might succeed with their strange and absolutelly unnecessary GMO seeds foood and pesticide experiments. 

Even India doesn't "love it - them" any more...

Slovene Spanish

Piran - Slovenia, 13.04.2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Alois Kolar

Increased intakes of fruits and vegetables may prevent early death, according to a review published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 

Researchers followed 65,226 participants from the Health Surveys for England aged 35 and older for seven years.
Those who consumed seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day saw a 42 percent decreased risk of death due to any cause, compared with those who consumed the least amount. Fruit and vegetable consumption was specifically associated with a 25 percent and 31 percent decreased risk of death from cancer and heart disease, respectively.

This study once again recommends governmental bodies in any country of te world take into account this new evidence in order to better promote health and nutrition education...


Oyebode O, Gordon-Desagu V, Walker A, Mindell JS. Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, cancer and CVD mortality: analysis of Health Survey for England data. J Epidemiol Community Health. Published online March 31, 2014.

Vrhnika - Slovenia 02.04.2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Alois Kolar

Red and processed meat products increase women’s disease risk, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Hot dogs...
Researchers from Harvard analyzed the diets and blood of 3,690 participants from the Nurses’ Health Study and found that as total red meat consumption increased, C-reactive protein (CRP, a biomarker of infections and diseases including heart disease and cancer), hemoglobin A1c (an indicator of diabetes risk), and stored iron (a mineral which in excess is associated with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes) also increased. Weight and calorie intake also increased with increased intake of red and processed meat products.

Processed meat are meat products which have been preserved with additives or cured, smoked, or salted to improve color, taste, and durability. Examples are wide-ranging and include ham, bacon, pastrami, and salami, as well as hot dogs and many sausages.

Cutting processed meat from your diet is a sound decision in improving your health, as these products are linked to a number of potentially fatal diseases.

Scientific source:

Ley SH, Sun Q, Willett WC, et al. Associations between red meat intake and biomarkers of inflammation and glucose metabolism in women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014;99:352-360.

Meat your maker
Meat trigers toxic immune reactions 

Vrhnika - Slovenia, 01.04.2014