Friday, August 15, 2014


Alois Kolar

James Lind (1716-1794) was a Scottish physician. He is known today for his studies on the causes and remedies of the sailor’s disease scurvy.

Dr. Lind entered the navy in 1739 and, in 1747, became surgeon on a ship in the Bay of Biscay, the HMS Salisbury. It was there that he proved the health benefits of citrus fruits in scurvy. In a well-designed experiment, he treated six different groups of sailors with different dietary additions, including vinegar, saltwater and spices. But only the group of scurvy patients who received oranges and lemons recovered.

In 1753 he summarized his findings in a book: A treatise of scurvy.
 This book, however, was virtually ignored and Dr. Lind’s simple recommendations to save the lives of sailors were neglected.

If we want to be healthy, we simply have to live healthy - optimal lifestyle and eat food,  human beings are adopted the best for: fresh raw fruits in mono meals, vegetebles, nuts and seeds in mono meals, which we call optimum food eating

If you would like to read the book of James Lind: A treatise on the scurvy

Piran - Slovenia, 15.08.2014.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Alois Kolar

More than 100 trillion bacteria live in the human gut.1 In fact, throughout the body, microbes outnumber human cells by about 10-to-(1.2)

While the thought of playing host to so many microbes can be unsettling,
these “gut bugs,” most of which live in the colon, have very important jobs. Friendly bacteria can help protect the body from disease-causing bacteria. They can break down fiber and other undigested carbohydrates to produce substances that provide us with energy. They can even make vitamin K and some B vitamins.(3)

Age, genes, and diet may all affect gut flora.(4)

However, research suggests diet may be key to determining what sorts of bacteria make their home in the intestines (5,6). 

This makes sense, since different types of bacteria thrive on different types of food. Long-term intake appears to have the greatest influence (6), but changes in gut bacteria can be seen just 24 hours after a diet shift.(5)

While the health effects of having gut bugs associated with different diets still need further study, new research suggests that food could interact with flora in ways that just might alter disease risk. 

The best bacterial flora you will get eating food humans are best designed for: fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, all in natural raw state, in mono meals. 


1. Moschen AR, Wieser V, Tilg H. Dietary factors: major regulators of the gut's microbiota. Gut Liver. 2012;6:411-416.
2. National Institutes of Health. NIH Human Microbiome Project defines normal bacterial makeup of the body:
3. Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S. Krause’s Food, Nutrition, & Diet Therapy. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2004.
4. Wu GD, Chen J, Hoffmann C, et al. Linking long-term dietary patterns with gut microbial enterotypes. Science. 2011;334:105–108.
5. Moreno-Indias I, Cardona F, Tinahones FJ, Queipo-Ortuño MI. Impact of the gut microbiota on the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Front Microbiol. 2014;5:190.
6. Jeffery IB, O’Toole PW. Diet-microbiota interactions and their implications for healthy living. Nutrients. 2013;5:234–252.

Piran - Slovenia, 30.07.2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Alois Kolar

Eating pure raw food definitively is not the newest thing, but it's the oldest one. Humans started out eating only raw foods. We began to cook only after we mastered fire. From the beginnings of recorded history, in countries like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, India and Iran there have always been people who ate only raw foods as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

If we go back to the "known" Prehistoric world for decades of millions of years and
Natural food for man
later to Ancient world, we’ll find that the ancient Indian Vedic culture was ahead of its time, just as in ancient China, where emperor of China got fruits from south, from today’s Indochina peninsula. Food in ancient India mainly depended on fruits, vegetables, nuts, tubers and animal flesh, because in prehistoric times India was largely inhabited by the Negroid race, mainly depended on fruits, vegetables, tubers and animal flesh. When Negroid race met Proto-Australoids people in ancient India, Negroids moved a step ahead, produced new food item as fruits, vegetables and nuts as well.

In ancient times, although some men and women were concerned with various methods of physical and mental purification, the idea of raw food eating would have been quite a luxury to most people, except perhaps to the elite of society, such as kings and queens and it was usually tended as extreme self/discipline. 

They could afford getting tropical fruits “imported” from faraway lands, if they lived out of the equatorial zone.

In Europe ancient Greece, Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school whose inner circle, known as the 'Mathematikoi', were required to be vegetarians. One student there, Hippocrates, is considered as the father of medicine and the Hippocratic Oath. He is also famous for saying "Let food be your medicine". Pythagoras and Hippocrates are believed to have eaten primarily raw vegetarian foods ……. Fruits, vegetabes, nuts and seeds.

Much later in 1930, Medical doctor Paul Kouchakoff and Nobel Prize winner "The Influence of Food Cooking on the Blood Formula of Man" at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland showed us that our bodies "normal" toxic reaction to eating, known as "Digestive Leukocytosis", occurred only, when cooked food was eaten. 

He found that Digestive Leukocytosis (the immediate increase in our white blood cell count) did not occur if plant foods were eaten in their natural, unheated state. 

Leukocytosis is the stress response found normally when the body is invaded
by a dangerous pathogen or trauma. 
According to many authors, heating food above 47 degrees of C will destroy 50% of the protein in our food, 50% of the vitamins and 80% of the minerals, as well as all the enzymes. And when food is cooked/boiled above 100 
degrees of C, the enzymes are 100% destroyed, thereby requiring the body to work harder and produce the enzymes needed for digestion. 

He showed us that we have no stress response when we eat pure raw foods! And this is the real reason for all of us to eat raw food also named optimal food diet on mono meals when we talk about fruits or fruits and vegetables of fruits and nuts, seed, under the optimal lifestyle or pure natural hygiene lifestyle which leads us to sustainable, optimal health.


Piran - Slovenia, 06.07.2014.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Alois Kolar

Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler with SS
officers and IG Farben - later known as Bayer
engineers in their common projects
The key publication is an article in the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper.

In reading both of these Daily Mail articles I reminded how groundbreaking publication of the historic records from Nuremberg war crimes trial against IG Farben had been preceded by six decades of silence over its role in planning and financing WW 2nd. 

Quite obviously, the fact that this information had lain buried in international archives for so long was no accident. 
But with the world’s media beginning to pick up on the roles of German's IG Farben and other corporate entities in the perpetration of WW 2nd, the interest groups that had kept this critical knowledge hidden for six decades will increasingly have to answer many questions.

After 60 years of silence, this online archive opens up the records of the Nuremberg War Tribunals against IG Farben, the largest chemical- pharmaceutical multinational at that time, to people everywhere...


Piran - Slovenia, 04.07.2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Alois Kolar

Grapes have been grown in Asia for about 7000 to 8000 years. 

Grape - king of the fruit
Additionally, grapes contain the following nutrients: phlobaphene, quercetine, gallic acid, silicic acid, anin, glucosides, salicilic acid, phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, pectins, tannic substances, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, A, C, P, PP, K, enzymes and folic acid.

Grapes are a healthy fruit full of antioxidants, beneficial for the healthy and strength giving one for the those sick or healthy. 
In complicated and severe disease where a patient is not given anything to eat or drink, grape diet is advised. 
Grapes, as all other fruits are best eaten alone - mono meals.

New research presented last week at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego, California - USA, suggests that regular grape consumption may help alleviate pain associated with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee, and improve joint flexibility and overall mobility. Researchers attribute these potential benefits to the polyphenols found in grapes.

Good appetite ;)!


Piran - Slovenia, 31.05.2014

Monday, May 19, 2014


Alois Kolar

The chemical-pharmaceutical “business with disease” is the largest deception and fraud business in human history.

The product “health” promised by chemical-pharmaceutical - drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, their “products” most often delivered are the opposite: they cause new diseases and frequently, death.


Coroner calls for inquiry
Prostate cancer
Pharmaceutical drugs

Drug Companies & doctors... 
Piran - Slovenia, 19.05.2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Alois Kolar, B.HSc.

The multi-trillion dollar Drug Cartel and its investors unfailingly place profit over human health.

Chemical-pharmaceutical drugs
Ultimately it isn't important to the Cartel how profits are generated, simply that they are. So long as profits are produced, the lack of effectiveness of drugs in invisible treating  of primary cause of disease, toxemia– and even the dangerous "side-effects" they cause when administered to patients – are essentially seen as irrelevant. 

Please try to understand that mecicine doctor with chemical-pharmaceutical drugs prescribing cannot heal you. You are the only one who can heal yourself, human organism is self-healing organism, everything you need to do is: to live according to the Laws of life, which means eat food we are bioologically adopted for and to live healthiest lifestyle possible. 

That's all :)...


Piran - Slovenia, 13.05.2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Alois Kolar

Drinking two or more diet drinks a day may increase the risk of heart
disease, including heart attack and stroke, in otherwise healthy postmenopausal women, according to a new University of Iowa study. 

The findings were presented March 30 at the American College of Cardiology's 63rd Annual Scientific Session in Washington, D.C.

We already know for such "new evidences for a very long time, but "intellectuals" continue with their "science"..., each new study brings money to them...


Piran - Slovenia, 01.05.2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Alois Kolar

Great Britain drug company GlaxoSmithKline is facing a criminal
GlaxoSmithKline, London - GB
investigation in Poland for allegedly bribing doctors', BBC Panorama has discovered. Eleven doctors and a GSK regional manager have been charged over alleged corruption between 2010 and 2012.

With Glaxo having already paid a record $3 billion in criminal fines in the (can you imagine this?) United States in 2012, its sales in China plunging after a bribery scandal there last year and further allegations of bribery now being investigated in Iraq, the company's problems seem set to deepen...

We do not need chemical-pharmaceutical drugs to be healthy, we do need to eat food we are biologically adopted for (fruits, vegetable, nuts, seeds, home prepared juices...) and to live optimum lifestyle!


Piran - Slovenia, 27.04.2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Alois Kolar

The company, an affiliate of USA based healthcare giant Johnson and Johnson, advised medical workers  in Japan to use the Paliperidone Palmitate
USA drug Paliperidone Palmitate
drug with great care even though it was not know whether it had caused the deaths...

The Japanese unit of major drugmaker Janssen Pharmaceuticals says 17 people have died after being injected with its drug to treat schizophrenia since it was launched in Japan last November.

Be carefull, try to live as much healthy (optimal lifestyle) as possible and you will avoid all disease problems and of course drug treatments from bigest drug cartel of the Planet: chemical-pharmaceutical industry with medical "Science".


Vrhnika - Slovenia, 22.04.2014.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Alois Kolar

Happened in 1970, in the "most democratic country of the world", one more time. 

Henry Kissinger
Kissinger - at that time the U.S.A. National Security Advisor, gave the people of the world a glimpse of the type of future the status quo had in mind for them when he said: "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." 

Forty four years later, almost one billion people don't have enough food to eat and the people of the world are watching with growing alarm as global biotech companies try to force foods grown from GMO seeds onto their dinner plates. 

Why the hell do these companies prefer GMO seeds to natural, organic seeds? And why the government of "the most democratic country" in the world support them so much?

Simply because they can be patented. 
Just as with patented pharmaceutical drugs, the patenting of seeds allows the companies who own them to control markets and make higher profits. When they gets a power, country gets a power... 

Дмитрий Медведев
Dmitry Medvedev, the Prime Minister of Russia, announces that his country will not import GMO food products. 
Speaking in Volgograd at a meeting of deputies from rural settlements, he described how the Russian nation has enough space and resources to produce organic food and stated that he has ordered widespread monitoring of the country's agricultural sector. 

My congratulations to Mr. Medvedev, my congratulations to Russia!

We have to stop the "GMO madness" and bring an end to malnutrition and world hunger!

But, "famous" Monsanto Corporation from magical USA goes now to African countries, where they probably might succeed with their strange and absolutelly unnecessary GMO seeds foood and pesticide experiments. 

Even India doesn't "love it - them" any more...

Slovene Spanish

Piran - Slovenia, 13.04.2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Alois Kolar

Increased intakes of fruits and vegetables may prevent early death, according to a review published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 

Researchers followed 65,226 participants from the Health Surveys for England aged 35 and older for seven years.
Those who consumed seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day saw a 42 percent decreased risk of death due to any cause, compared with those who consumed the least amount. Fruit and vegetable consumption was specifically associated with a 25 percent and 31 percent decreased risk of death from cancer and heart disease, respectively.

This study once again recommends governmental bodies in any country of te world take into account this new evidence in order to better promote health and nutrition education...


Oyebode O, Gordon-Desagu V, Walker A, Mindell JS. Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause, cancer and CVD mortality: analysis of Health Survey for England data. J Epidemiol Community Health. Published online March 31, 2014.

Vrhnika - Slovenia 02.04.2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Alois Kolar

Red and processed meat products increase women’s disease risk, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Hot dogs...
Researchers from Harvard analyzed the diets and blood of 3,690 participants from the Nurses’ Health Study and found that as total red meat consumption increased, C-reactive protein (CRP, a biomarker of infections and diseases including heart disease and cancer), hemoglobin A1c (an indicator of diabetes risk), and stored iron (a mineral which in excess is associated with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes) also increased. Weight and calorie intake also increased with increased intake of red and processed meat products.

Processed meat are meat products which have been preserved with additives or cured, smoked, or salted to improve color, taste, and durability. Examples are wide-ranging and include ham, bacon, pastrami, and salami, as well as hot dogs and many sausages.

Cutting processed meat from your diet is a sound decision in improving your health, as these products are linked to a number of potentially fatal diseases.

Scientific source:

Ley SH, Sun Q, Willett WC, et al. Associations between red meat intake and biomarkers of inflammation and glucose metabolism in women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014;99:352-360.

Meat your maker
Meat trigers toxic immune reactions 

Vrhnika - Slovenia, 01.04.2014