Thursday, October 29, 2015


Alois Kolar

Toothpaste is not us much important for oral hygiene as it is presented in all scientific publications, media, TV, tooth brush and dental floss are. However, harmful for your health is use of so called commercial dental toothpastes. In commercial toothpaste you will often find a whole host of toxic additives:

 -  Fluoride, an industrial waste product linked to lowered IQ in children (3) and dental fluorosis, or mottling of teeth (4). 
Americans seems to be "much more intelligent" than the rest of the world's population is, so much that even the hottest followers are not capable to follow them, because they are growing up namely at fluoridated drinking water. The majority of the population which only thinks that thinks know, that is fluoride is good for the teeth, because by the system educated useless intellectuals it constantly repeated for 50 years. But the truth is of course different (5).

   -  Propylene glycol, a synthetic moisture absorbent linked to organ toxicity   (6). 
   -  Triclosan, an antibacterial chemical that disrupts hormone production and promotes multiple forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers. 
   -  Plastics in the form of polyethylene, which also interfere with the    endocrine system and promote cancer.

These toxic ingredients are clearly problematic, that's why is crucial to buy and use natural toothpaste products such as: ✔ 

   -  Parodontax (without fluorid)
   -  L'Angelica (without presence of fluoride)
   -  Auromere Ayurvedic Toothpaste
   -  Desert Essence Toothpaste
   -  Spry Dental Defense Toothpaste,
   -  Nature’s Answer PerioBrite Natural Toothpaste
   -  Jason Toothpaste
   -  Tom’s of Maine Natural Toothpaste.

Each of these toothpaste products contains cleansing and protective herb extracts such as Wintergreen, Neem (Azadarichta Indica), mint and cinnamon – the real stuff which are derived from the essential oils of actual plants and herbs, not chemicals synthesized in the laboratory! I would like to tell you that neem was shown in a 2011 study published in the Journal of Indian Society and Periodontology to safely and effectively treat plaque-induced gingivitis due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties (7). 


You might not know that our organisms contain a huge number of various bacteria that allow good, optimal digestion, absorption and health of the circulatory system. Research that have been published in the Free Biology and Medicine indicate that the majority of popular oral mouthwases contain ingredients as clorhedixin, which destroys the bacteria and thereby weakening so-called "immune system" (8), which leads to long-term critical situation that has an effect on the development of cancer.

Some studies have also linked added alcohol in some mouthwashes to oral cancer (9) which is why brands such as Tom’s of Maine (10), Jason (11).


1 Harvard School of Public Health. Harmful, untested chemicals rife in personal care products. http://www.hsph.

2 Natural Resources Defense Council. More than 80,000 Chemicals Available in the United States Have Never Been Fully Tested for Their Toxic Effects on Our Health and Environment.

3 Harvard School of Public Health. Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children. http://www.hsph.

4 Fluoride Action Network. New Study Challenges Old Belief on Dental Fluorosis/Tooth Decay. http://fluoridealert. org/articles/science-watch14/

5 Fluoride Action Network. Health Effects.

6 Environmental Working Group. Propylene Glycol. GLYCOL

7 Chatterjee, Anirban et al. 2011. “To Evaluate the Antigingivitis and Antiplaque Effect of an Azadirachta indica (neem) Mouthrinse on Plaque Induced Gingivitis: A Double-blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Journal of Indian Society and Periodontology.

8 Medical Daily. Antiseptic Mouthwash Raises Heart Attack Risk, Blood Pressure: Chlorhexidine Kills Off ‘Good’ Bacteria That Helps Blood Vessels Relax.￾use-linked-to-oral-cancer.aspx

9 NPR. Mouthwash and Poor Dental Hygiene May Up the Risk of Oral Cancer.￾shots/2014/04/08/300257396/mouthwash-and-poor-dental-hygiene-may-up-the-risk-of-oral-cancer

10 Tom’s of Maine Mouthwash.

11 Jason Mouthwash. 

12 Colgate
Piran - Slovenia, 29.10.2015