Saturday, May 31, 2014


Alois Kolar

Grapes have been grown in Asia for about 7000 to 8000 years. 

Grape - king of the fruit
Additionally, grapes contain the following nutrients: phlobaphene, quercetine, gallic acid, silicic acid, anin, glucosides, salicilic acid, phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, pectins, tannic substances, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, A, C, P, PP, K, enzymes and folic acid.

Grapes are a healthy fruit full of antioxidants, beneficial for the healthy and strength giving one for the those sick or healthy. 
In complicated and severe disease where a patient is not given anything to eat or drink, grape diet is advised. 
Grapes, as all other fruits are best eaten alone - mono meals.

New research presented last week at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego, California - USA, suggests that regular grape consumption may help alleviate pain associated with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee, and improve joint flexibility and overall mobility. Researchers attribute these potential benefits to the polyphenols found in grapes.

Good appetite ;)!


Piran - Slovenia, 31.05.2014

Monday, May 19, 2014


Alois Kolar

The chemical-pharmaceutical “business with disease” is the largest deception and fraud business in human history.

The product “health” promised by chemical-pharmaceutical - drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, their “products” most often delivered are the opposite: they cause new diseases and frequently, death.


Coroner calls for inquiry
Prostate cancer
Pharmaceutical drugs

Drug Companies & doctors... 
Piran - Slovenia, 19.05.2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Alois Kolar, B.HSc.

The multi-trillion dollar Drug Cartel and its investors unfailingly place profit over human health.

Chemical-pharmaceutical drugs
Ultimately it isn't important to the Cartel how profits are generated, simply that they are. So long as profits are produced, the lack of effectiveness of drugs in invisible treating  of primary cause of disease, toxemia– and even the dangerous "side-effects" they cause when administered to patients – are essentially seen as irrelevant. 

Please try to understand that mecicine doctor with chemical-pharmaceutical drugs prescribing cannot heal you. You are the only one who can heal yourself, human organism is self-healing organism, everything you need to do is: to live according to the Laws of life, which means eat food we are bioologically adopted for and to live healthiest lifestyle possible. 

That's all :)...


Piran - Slovenia, 13.05.2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Alois Kolar

Drinking two or more diet drinks a day may increase the risk of heart
disease, including heart attack and stroke, in otherwise healthy postmenopausal women, according to a new University of Iowa study. 

The findings were presented March 30 at the American College of Cardiology's 63rd Annual Scientific Session in Washington, D.C.

We already know for such "new evidences for a very long time, but "intellectuals" continue with their "science"..., each new study brings money to them...


Piran - Slovenia, 01.05.2014