Thursday, February 28, 2013


Alois Kolar

Each of us needs someone to trust, someone, we can call when things are great, when things get tough, and also someone, to whom we can share a good book, a lunch, a dinner, seating on the beach watching beautiful sunset or simply listen to a good music.
Friendship is practically a refuge from the storms of life and can not develop without honesty, not without stability.
Perfect friendship exists between good men who are alike in their virtuousness.

Technically, friendship (which derives from spanish amar – amigo - to love) is a loving relationship between two or more people and is one of the most common relationships in different stages of life and in different degrees of importance that most people have in their lives.

Friendship is a relationship most sympathetic, but you have to work on it :).
It is not enough to say that woman/man is a friend of someone, with such way of understanding nothing happens. Friendship is devotion to that other person, you need to give her time to know how she/he is, what are her/his dreams and aspirations. It is concern and commitment on the base on strong emotions, as against their needs, is to know to listen and not just wanting to be heard...

Friendship is love, well, it's more than love, it's a feeling of love for another person. When someone love her/his friend, and because of it for this person would sacrifice if necessary, that's why the friendship is the most beautiful human relationship.

A good friend is worth more than everything. When we say: "She is a friend of my soul", it really means that we could die for that person and only one line very, very thin, almost invisible separates us of so called love (without friendship love is a game of hormones, is crazinies and never last).

With a good friend we share our ideals, desires, successes, failures, we share everything... 

Tell me, to whom you want first to share your happiness?
If something goes wrong in love, who can fell you the best? If something goes wrong in studying, who can feel you the best? If something goes wrong in your relationship, marriage, who can feel you the best? If something goes wrong between neighbors (gossips, liars, malicious), who can feel you the best? When you stumble, who will help you get up? When you get lonely, who can feel you the best?
Yes, you're absolutely right: a friend, honest and good.

When two persons completely trust one to another, the ratio may increase to a highest level and both of them conquer heights of friendship together. Unfortunately, with strong intoxicated people this is not possbile...

The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 A.C.) said: "True friends are a safe haven."

The ones who notice the storm in your eyes, silence in your voice and heaviness in your heart are the ones you must let in your circle. Today and every day think about what you say and say what you think about and don't waste precious time of your life for jealousy, hypocrisy, lies. I don't have time for these... 

Yes, I'd like to be your friend :)...

Chiclayo – Lambayeque, 28.02.2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Alois Kolar

Good digestion relies on the natural right enzymes in the proper amounts. Your body needs enzymes to function properly. Not only do you need them for healthy digestion, but you also need them to live, they are responsable for all functions of every organ, without them you wouldn't be able to see, to breathe, to hear, to move, to taste, swallow, drink, eat and digest your food.

Enzymes are complex protein molecules that are manufactured by all plant (and animal cells) when you eat it in natural, raw state.
Enzymes are very important because they break up large food molecules into smaller units that are absorbed and transported into the cells.

They help the body digest food and assimilate nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and plant fibers. In addition, enzymes assist in all chemical reactions taking place in our body, including the regeneration of cells, tissues and the elimination of waste products and toxins which are internal and external.

Dr. Edward Howell stated: "Enzymes are substances that make life possible. They are needed for every chemical reaction that takes place in the human body. Without enzymes no activity at all would take place. Neither vitamins, minerals, nor hormones can do any work without enzymes".

Dr. Dicqie Fuller PhD, in her book The Healing Power of Enzymes emphasizes the importance of enzymes for digestion: "Eighty percent of our body's energy is expended by the digestive process. If you are run down, under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant, or are a frequent air traveler, then enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body. Because our entire system functions through enzymatic action, we must 'supplement our enzymes'. Aging deprives us of our ability to produce necessary enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a lack or imbalance of enzymes. Our very lives are dependent upon them!"

Of course, the “medical profession” do not tell us that we should eat food in its raw state we are biologically adopted for, but medical profesion offer to us enzymes as a product of its sister of the invisible cure: chemical-pharmaceutical industry ;)...

The three main categories of Enzymes are:

1. Digestive Enzymes
2. Food or Plant Enzymes
3. Metabolic Enzymes

1. Digestive enzymes, secreted by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and the small intestine help break down food into smaller, simple components.

2. Food enzymes exist naturally in raw food. If the food is cooked above 47 degrees Celsius, the high temperature involved in the cooking process destroys the enzymes. Digestive enzymes and food enzymes serve the same function; they digest the food so it can be absorbed into the blood stream. The difference between the two is that food enzymes are derived from fresh, raw, uncooked foods such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, while digestive enzymes are made inside your body.

3. Metabolic enzymes are produced in the cells and are found throughout the body in the organs, in the bones, the blood, and inside the cells themselves. Metabolic enzymes help run the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys. Hundreds of metabolic enzymes are necessary for the working of our body.

The fact is that when we improve our digestion we are improving our health.
Eating our food we are biologically adopted for in its raw state is the best way to get all of nutrients including enzymes. Cooked, processed food does not have them any more.
If someone eat cooking eggs, soft boiled or poached is far better, instead of frying, but eating them in its raw state is the best.
Eggs have some of the best enzymes and nutrients particularly for our thyroid gland and our liver, so it pays to preserve these delicate enzymes in eggs as well as esential amino acids, proteins.

Some of the enzymes

- Lipase: is an enzyme that digests fats, helping to maintain correct gall bladder function. Protein absorption from fatty foods such as seeds can be improved by incorporating supplemental lipase enzymes in the diet.

- Protease: breaks down protein found in meats, poultry, fish, nuts, eggs and cheese and may be helpful for people with food allergies or who have difficulty digesting protein.

- Amylase: A natural plant enzyme which helps your body break down and assimilate carbohydrates.

- Cellulase: the enzyme that breaks down food fiber (cellulose) found in fruits and vegetables. Cellulase, which is not found in the human system, breaks the fiber bonds and increases the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.

- Lactase: digests milk sugar. Lactase deficiency is the most common and well-known form of carbohydrate intolerance. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the world's population is deficient in intestinal lactase. 
We all know (just medicine doctors, system's nutritionists do not), that milk is the food for babies of its own species, caw's milk is a food for calves, not for humans.

- Phytase: breaks down phytic acids in grains, seeds, and simple sugars into fructose and glucose.

- Maltase: digests complex and simple sugars. Maltase breaks down unused glycogen in muscle. Glycogen is a thick, sticky substance that is converted from sugars and starches and is stored in your muscle cells for future use. If stored glycogen continues to build up in the muscle tissues, it leads to progressive muscle weakness and degeneration.

- Papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple, both help digest protein. Bromelain is also a natural anti-inflammatory.

And now comes the most important fact 

Real scientists of life (Natural Hygienists) know for decades that cooking destroys all enzymes and create a lot of free radical damage in your body – accelerated ageing.

Food in its raw state we humans are biologically adopted for the best, contains enough natural enzymes for it to be digested. When the food is heated above 47 degrees Celsius, the natural enzymes present are also heated and denatured, that means they become inactive. This makes the enzymes totally ineffective in the digestive process.

With other words, toxicosis level is rising, and there are acute symptoms that slowly moves in to chronic, medicine "doctors" give them the names in the old, dead Latin language and in this way symptoms becomes diseases, which, of course are invisible treated with the chemical-pharmaceutical drugs, prescribed by medicine "doctors". These drugs destroy natural imune system, arise toxicosis and cause new, iatrogenic disease(s)...

If a population is healthy, there is no earnings for medicine "doctors" and chemical-pharmaceutical industry, earnings is solely in disease! 
Their interest are regular financial inflows: that population becomes ill, that population doesn't become healthy (it is impossible to become healthy with drugs) and that population remains their regular customer until the end of their sick life. 

And they call it: science...
It is just a system without etic.


Natural science of health
- Williams, M.D., Ph.D, M. Miehlke, M.D., ENZYMES - The Fountain of Life. The Neville Press, 1994,
- Dr. Edward Howell, Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity by Lotus Press, 1994, D.A. Lopez, M.D., R.M.

Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 21.02.2013

Monday, February 18, 2013


Dr. T. C. FRY

Beliefs will make you a slave. 
Beliefs are inherently wrong and imprison us to the degree that we give them loyalty. That which is true and proper to our lives is known and does not have to be believed. If you believe, you believe without proof. Truth always serves us.
Belief is a different animal altogether. Belief demands we serve it, not the other way around. This camouflages its basic character as an exploitive and enslaving device. The nature of every belief system is to demand acceptance and obedience. Not only does it tend to suppress and destroy differing belief systems, forcing, if it can, all to adopt its concepts, but it also seeks to suppress the truth as well.
Most people are in love with their beliefs to the exclusion of the striking and self-evident truths in their lives. By their very nature, all belief systems are false and inhuman. Simply, the truth does not have to be believed. Truth is always evident and easy to know, especially that which is relevant to ourselves and our environment.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Summarized by Alois Kolar

Dr. Maurice Hilleman
Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines. 

One of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine
industry - a Merck scientist - made a recording where he openly admits that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses. In response, his colleagues (who are also recorded here)
 break out into laughter and seem to think it's hilarious.

They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, they will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be "loaded down with tumors." 

So, they already knew these vaccines caused cancer in humans.

This isn't some conspiracy theory -- these are the words of a top Merck scientist who probably had no idea that his recording would be widely reviewed across the internet (which didn't even exist when he made this recording). He probably thought this would remain a secret forever. When asked why this didn't get out to the press, he replied "Obviously you don't go out, this is a scientific affair within the scientific community."

In other words, vaccine "scientists" cover for vaccine "scientists". They keep all their dirty secrets within their own circle of silence and don't reveal the truth about the contamination of their vaccines.

This is an unprecendent "scientific" mess!


Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 17.02.2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Alois Kolar

Have you ever think why do you feel so good after carrot juice drinking in combination with cellery? 

Did you know that carrots, cellery (and black pepper) naturally contain a bit of myristiscin? 
Myristicin is a natural psyhotropic, halucinogenic drug which can cause euphoria for some hours after drinking fresh carrot juice, therefore you can feel so good after drinking of home prepared carrot juice in combination with cellery :).
Depending on the dose it could be toxic or therapeutic - in this case therapeutic.

Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru, 14.02.2013.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Alois Kolar

Alot of organized religion had its origins in sun and tree societies. 

Apollo is a god of the apple tree. His name means apple. 
Avalon means the fabled island of apples. 
Even the Garden of Eden was an orchard. Its walls corresponded with the ancient ''para desa" or walled orchards. These walls kept the orchards intact from animals and retained the day's heat to protect against the night's chill.

The most fabled land of fruits was Java. After this land was named, Japan, Hawaii and many other countries paid homage to Java as their homeland. Israel was once the land of Yahveh (YHVH), which may be pronounced the same as Java. Such names as Viking's valhalla (originally avalhalla) merely means "apple hole" or a place for apple storage. Many places throughout Europe as well as many of the pagan deities have names that correspond with Java and the names of fruits.

Henry Bailey Stevens in his excellent book The Recovery of Culture states and gives evidence of our fruitarian past as found in lingering legends and beliefs. 
Sir James G. Fraser's The Golden Bough is the most thoroughgoing publication ever on the origins of deities, beliefs and rituals. A reading of The Golden Bough will quickly reveal that most systems of reverence were built around climate, the sun, trees and the fruits they produced.

Fruitarians of the mammalian primate order have revolving joints in their shoulder, wrist and elbow joints. These allow for free movement in all directions. They have hands and fingers with apposable first digits (thumb) for grasping and gathering the product of trees. Fruit gatherers and tree dwellers have stereoscopic binocular vision. This makes possible vision that is precise in its ascertainment of positions of limbs and objects. 

Frugivores developed larger brains than their animal counterparts. 

All have only two mammary glands and usually have only one offspring per pregnancy. 
The teeth of humans are identical in almost every respect to our anthropoid relatives in number, kind and usage. 
We do not intend to prove the biological relationship of our simian relatives. We wish to prove that our teeth are practically identical to acknowledged frugivora.

Anatomically, humans are in most particulars unlike herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. Every organ and system differs radically because each is suited to the animal's respective modes of food acquisition, eating and digestion.

- Study literature, Natural science of health 

Planet Earth, 10.02.2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Dr. T. C. Fry

Just as kerosene fouls up an automobile or airplane engine which was not designed for it, so too will foods foul up human bodies if they are not adapted to them. If you are not physiologically adapted to a diet, it will be repulsive to you in its raw natural state - you cannot relish the food nor sustain yourself on it in good health. When you eat an unnatural diet by artifice, that is, by denaturing it by cooking and modifying and camouflaging its taste with condiments and so on, you are doing the following:
  1. Heat deranging and destroying the nutrients within the food.
  2. Deranging your taste buds through excitation with toxic substances to make the unpalatable food acceptable. All poisonous substances impose burdensome eliminative problems upon the body. Sicknesses, ailments and diseases result.
  3. Causing nutrient deficiencies by eating a partially or wholly nutrient deranged "food."
  4. Causing protein malnutrition. Cooking destroys proteins and amino acids. Once oxidized and destroyed by cooking, you can no longer derive any benefit from proteinaceous substances other than, perhaps "empty calories," that is, nutrient-bereft fuel. Once oxidized, proteins are soil (food) for bacteria which putrefy (rot) it. Bacterial putrefactive by-products are highly toxic and carcinogenic. These by-products are methane gas (the source for smelly gas emissions when you eat beans, for instance), hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans (which yield the rotten egg smell when carried out by the methane gas), cadaverine, putrescine, ammonias, indoles, skatoles, leukomaines and profusion of other toxic and carcinogenic substances.
  5. Laying the groundwork for putrefactive bacterial flora that will vitiate your intestinal tract. Eaters of cooked foods and wrong foods have about two pounds of bacterial flora up and down their digestive tracts. Raw food eaters have only a few ounces.
  6. Laying the groundwork for alcohol and vinegar poisoning. Heated sugars and carbohydrates are readily fermented by fungi and bacteria with, first, alcohol as a by-product and then vinegar which is dozens of times more toxic than alcohol.
  7. Intoxicating your body with the toxic debris (deranged nutrients) of what once had nutrient value. Instead of materials your body can use, you have toxins that put the body into a frenzy and, if overwhelmed by the toxic load, into a pathological state.
As you can see, cooked foods and condiments (most condiments are toxic plant excitants and stimulants: life-sapping inorganic substances like salt, pathogenic fermentation products like soy sauces, cheeses, etc.) are a curse to our well-being.
There are many toxic substances that are commonly eaten. For instance:
  1. Ordinary commercial orange juice contains a carcinogen! Because the whole orange is squeezed, the toxic limonene (a volatile and flammable oil) in the skin is in the juice. The same goes for lemon and grapefruit juices. Refer to the Office of Toxicological Sciences of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  2. Ordinary mushrooms contain several toxic substances (mainly hydrazine) that are carcinogenic. Refer to the September 23, 1983 issue of Science magazine.
  3. Tofu, a highly refined soy bean product, contains several carcinogens, notably indole and nitropyrene. Refer to Diet, Nutrition and Cancer.
  4. Alfalfa sprouts contain a carcinogen, canavanine. Refer to the September 23, 1983 issue of Science, and the FDA's Office of Toxicological Sciences.
  5. All cooked and heated oils and fats as in fried foods, nuts, seeds, meats, etc. contain deadly carcinogens. Their aerated fumes are worse in the lungs than tobacco smoke! Refer to Diet, Nutrition and Cancer.
The list seems endless! We Americans poison ourselves so much that we have more health problems per capita than any other country on earth. More than 16% of our national wealth goes down the disease rat hole.
Needless to say, all discomforts, illnesses and suffering are abnormal, unnatural and unnecessary.

Is Cooked Food Good For Us?
In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments. Those humans who eat mostly living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically and become more active. Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!
Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes results, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand just for a moment into boiling water or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive heat is. Food is usually subjected to these destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour or more. What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!
Cooking renders food toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of white blood cells after eating a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are the first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."
As confirmed by hundreds of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of Science°s National Research Council°s book, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods.
Proteins begin coagulating and deaminating at temperatures commonly applied in cooking, and are devoid of nutritive value.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.
Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water and rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with cement-like plaque.
Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals and other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in Diet, Nutrition and Cancer.
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.

How osteoporosis is caused

As an example of the modus operandi of disease causation, let's look at a widespread problem called osteoporosis, that is, bone porosity where bones lose their structural strength and present a Swiss cheese like appearance under the microscope. How do bones lose calcium and other minerals so that this condition results?
Bones are composed of mostly alkaline minerals, calcium being the primary mineral. The body maintains a homeostatic condition whereby blood, tissues and fluids are virtually all of an alkaline pH of 7.40. If the pH varies significantly from this operating alkaline homeostasis, it goes into a coma and death may ensue. Both alkalosis and acidosis can be deadly.
The body can easily deal with excess alkalis if from organic sources. It has great difficulty with inorganic alkalis like iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium from inorganic sources, that is rocks, ores, soil, metal spring, well waters and cooked foods, especially sea water and cooked foods.
The body has a very difficult time dealing with acidic substances, even if from organic sources! While acid pH minerals like phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, silicon and bromine are essential in human nutrition, these substances are toxic in the inorganic state. Even within an organic context, they present problems if they predominate over offsetting alkaline pH minerals. When the body digests and processes foods, they are metabolized and have metabolic end products that are either alkaline in pH or acid in pH. Pure water is neutral at 7.0.
The body maintains a hemostatic pH of 7.40. When the pH varies a few points above or below this norm, it suffers either alkalosis or acidosis. Alkalosis usually does not occur if there are excesses of alkaline minerals from organic sources. But, if metabolic end-products are acidic, the body has difficulty dealing with them.
The first order of business for the body that has acidic end-products is to neutralize and expel them from the vital domain lest they cause acidosis. When we eat foods that are acidic in their metabolic end-products, the body neutralizes them with alkalis from its reserves. If we eat meal after meal that consists of mostly acid-forming substances after metabolism, the body exhausts its alkaline reserves and must rob its bones of their alkaline minerals, primarily calcium, in order to neutralize the acid end products. That gives rise to osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

How colds are caused

Colds are one of the simplest sicknesses wherein the body withdraws much of its discretionary energies and redirects them to the task of extraordinary elimination of toxins and morbid matters through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and sinuses. When the body's cup runneth over, it enters into the G-O phase of the GIGO syndrome. (GIGO is a computer term that is short for "garbage in, garbage out.").
When we eat cooked foods we take in deranged toxic debris that the body cannot cope with ordinarily. When we eat cooked foods, additives, condiments, so-called herbs and take drugs, we become intoxicated with toxic materials. At some point, in order to maintain its integrity and functionality, the body must get the crud out. Colds are one of the many ways in which the body cleanses itself extraordinarily of internal filth.

How asthma is caused

Asthma can be equated with a cold except that the body eliminates its garbage through the bronchi, thus causing their inflammation and swelling which chokes off respiration.

How most diseases are caused

Most illnesses, ailments, maladies, diseases and body problems are occasioned by the body's methodology in eliminating debris relative to its diathesis (disposition) and vitality. Because all illnesses cumulatively reduce body vitality, bad practices eventually escalate into chronic problems which become degenerative and deadly.

How indigestion, acid stomach and gas emissions are caused

There are a multitude of factors that can contribute to upset stomach, sour stomach, heartburn, belching, foul gas emissions and other intestinal problems. The foremost causes are:
  1. Eating foods in combinations that are incompatible in digestive chemistry. This tops the list. Eliminating undigested foods wastes our energies. Besides this, undigested foods do not provide nourishment. Instead, they are fermented, putrefied or made rancid by our intestinal flora. These processes give rise to foul emissions of methane gas, sour stomach, heartburn, etc. and contribute toxic by-products that cause headaches and other pathologies. Fermentation products of bacteria include highly toxic alcohol and acetic acid (vinegar).
  2. Eating "foods" that humans are not equipped to digest easily and efficiently. Our natural bacterial population has a field day on indigestible bits of foods.
  3. Eating foods with differing digestive times, thus causing the fast-digesting food to be held up so that it ferments or sours. Eating desserts, even fruits, after a regular meal guarantees fermentation.
  4. Eating foods that are acid-forming in metabolic reaction. This acidifies the intestinal tract, causing acidosis of the body and osteoporosis of bones and teeth. The body robs the bones and teeth of alkaline elements to neutralize the acids. This also gives rise to intestinal distress and gas eructations.
  5. Eating beyond digestive capacity or overeating. Food eaten beyond digestive capacity causes bacterial fermentation, putrefaction and rancidity, adding up to a grand case of upset stomach.
  6. Eating when digestive ability is low, as when one is emotionally upset, under tension or stress, feeling poorly, needing sleep and rest, etc.
  7. Eating foods that contain condiments, preservatives, irritants, heated oils, or other toxic substances (e.g., uric acid of meat), etc. Vinegar, e.g., will retard or totally suspend digestion.
  8. Eating cooked foods. Cooked cabbage, for instance, takes twice as long in the stomach as raw cabbage.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Alois Kolar

Yes, Mother Nature is beautiful, only we humans are very, very strange beings indoctrinated with success: with excess of money, with material goods. 
We want to live in concrete jungles, in large houses "without soul",  filled with all possible things, material goods we do not need at all, playing "intellectuals", successful and happy people, on junk, even GMO foods.

And just because others do as well and they are marked by “successful people”, as they are successful as well. 

Here and there is some successful woman, man, who runs away from this stupid, “successful – civilized” way of life and go back, back to the natural way of life, to the origin – to the source, but already sick and exhausted by “successful” way she/he lived before. 
But, but she/he could live all her/his life as trying for the very last moments of her/his life, without black - tycoon's heavy character ;-).

Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success…

Planet Earth, 04.02.2013.


Alois Kolar

Anthropologists have established that human culture, social organization and body adaptations arose from a background in nature as a fruit eating animal. Humans, like their close relatives primate and simian cousins in nature are clannish in social organization. Most of their acculturization involves the beauty of their natural foods, fruits, and the trees which produce them. Physically, humans were developed on fruits just as our simian and other primate relatives in nature.
In consequence anthropologists and biologists have classified humans as fruit eaters also named frugivores.

Dr. Alan Walker of Johns Hopkins University in Maryland examined the fossil remains of humans. After making detailed examinations, especially of the teeth, he concluded that humans were exclusively and only fruit eaters. Walker's examinations were detailed in the May 15, 1979 issue of The New York Times
His findings came like a bombshell into our culture, where fruits are relatively sparse in the diet.

Herodotus, the Greek historian records, that Greeks were heavy eaters of olives, figs, dates, grapes, apples, oranges and other fare. 
This noted historian wrote: "The oldest inhabitants of Greece, the Pelasgians, who came before the Dorian, Ionian and Elian migrations, inhabited Arcadia and Thessaly, possessing the islands of Lesbos and Lakemanas, which were full of orange groves. The people with their diet of dates and oranges lived on an average of more than 200 years."

Another Greek, the poet Hesiod, said: "The Pelasgians and the people who came after them in Greece, ate fruits of the virgin forest and blackberries from the fields." Plutarch, the Greek biographer, observed: "The ancient Greeks, before the time of Lycurgus, ate nothing but fruits."

Much of our history indicates that our ancestors were fruitarian. 
History books today omit or falsify our past and our fruit-eating nature. 
Biology and physiology books are also so altered. 
Even such a simple word as frugivore has been omitted from most current dictionaries and encyclopedias...

- University literature, Natural science of health

Planet Earth, 04.02.2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Alois Kolar

Your health returns to normal when enervating habits are given up. 
There are no cures in the sense generally understood by medical science and chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

If one has a alcoholic heart, if the heart is worn out from shocks, if cholesterol level is high, with high blood pression, what is the remedy, what will cure? 
Removing the cause!
Stop the use of alcohol, drasticly lower (or better to say exclude) food from animal sources (meat, cheese, milk, yoghurt...), cereales...

In some specific cases fasting, rest in bed, and the giving up of enervating habits, mental and physical, change of eating and lifestyle destructive habits will allow to the body eliminate the accumulated toxins in natural way; when enervating habits are given up, and optimal living habits adopted, in nearly all cases (except cancer) health will come back to stay. 
This applies to any kind of symptoms - so called diseases.

Do not forget, your body is self-healing organism.

¿Curación con drogas? No...

Natural science of health

Planet Earth, 02.02.2013