Sunday, February 10, 2013


Alois Kolar

Alot of organized religion had its origins in sun and tree societies. 

Apollo is a god of the apple tree. His name means apple. 
Avalon means the fabled island of apples. 
Even the Garden of Eden was an orchard. Its walls corresponded with the ancient ''para desa" or walled orchards. These walls kept the orchards intact from animals and retained the day's heat to protect against the night's chill.

The most fabled land of fruits was Java. After this land was named, Japan, Hawaii and many other countries paid homage to Java as their homeland. Israel was once the land of Yahveh (YHVH), which may be pronounced the same as Java. Such names as Viking's valhalla (originally avalhalla) merely means "apple hole" or a place for apple storage. Many places throughout Europe as well as many of the pagan deities have names that correspond with Java and the names of fruits.

Henry Bailey Stevens in his excellent book The Recovery of Culture states and gives evidence of our fruitarian past as found in lingering legends and beliefs. 
Sir James G. Fraser's The Golden Bough is the most thoroughgoing publication ever on the origins of deities, beliefs and rituals. A reading of The Golden Bough will quickly reveal that most systems of reverence were built around climate, the sun, trees and the fruits they produced.

Fruitarians of the mammalian primate order have revolving joints in their shoulder, wrist and elbow joints. These allow for free movement in all directions. They have hands and fingers with apposable first digits (thumb) for grasping and gathering the product of trees. Fruit gatherers and tree dwellers have stereoscopic binocular vision. This makes possible vision that is precise in its ascertainment of positions of limbs and objects. 

Frugivores developed larger brains than their animal counterparts. 

All have only two mammary glands and usually have only one offspring per pregnancy. 
The teeth of humans are identical in almost every respect to our anthropoid relatives in number, kind and usage. 
We do not intend to prove the biological relationship of our simian relatives. We wish to prove that our teeth are practically identical to acknowledged frugivora.

Anatomically, humans are in most particulars unlike herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. Every organ and system differs radically because each is suited to the animal's respective modes of food acquisition, eating and digestion.

- Study literature, Natural science of health 

Planet Earth, 10.02.2013