Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Alois Kolar

Personal freedom is a part of optimum lifestyle; the meaning of personal freedom is for most of us an inner experience and it does not have anything with usually so popular, fake “democracy”. It just relates to outer conditions or your personal values your identity (I saw and met a lot of people in some countries of the world which does not have “popular democracy”, but the people are honest, peaceful and happy). If we really want personal freedom, than we need surplus in key areas of our lives like tome, money and space which practically means our independence. That is the first part of this level of the optimum lifestyle.

Have enough of what you want and a surplus to do what you want and when you want is based on creating external conditions in our life, and it is the reasonable component of freedom and happiness. However, someone can have all of the external components in place and still be miserable. If the fear, guilt, anger, morbid jealousy, envy, hate, lie and hypocricism dominate someone’s inner life, than is certainly not free, such kind of people cannot be happy and healthy! 
I know this type of people and I am sure that you know them as well…

The second level of this part of the optimum lifestyle is a healthy “inner life”, with your authentic you (not false one). A self-actualized person operates on a higher level of personal freedom. When we fulfil our inner nature, there is a joy, happiness, friendship and freedom which cannot be obtained by external circumstances only.

The third level of this part of optimum lifestyle (personal freedom) is totally inner based, as a state of contentment and peace which is not altered by anything outside of you. It is natural transcendent and it comes when our personal self-expands in unity with a universal nature, known as good human values.

Do expand your identity to a higher state that is made of love, peace, friendship, kindness (not hypocorisms) and in this way transform the idea in your existence.

Now you have become free and you are ready to learn more about optimum lifestyle.

My congratulations to you, my friend.

"Get rid of those who doubt you, be with ones who values ​​you, free yourself from clutters and love the ones who supports you." - Paulo Coelho

Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru 23.04.2013