Sunday, September 13, 2020

Eugenicists Bill Gates demands digital certificates to prove Coronavirus vaccination status

Alois Kolar, B.HSc. 

Creepy eugenicists, the enemy of humanity Bill Gates participated in an "Ask me anything" event on Reddit entitled: "I am Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Fundation." 

During the event creepy Bill openly admitted to the World, that the agenda about (Global medical mafia hoax) COVID-19 moving forward is to vaccinate every person on the Planet with Coronavirus vaccines, as well as track them with Mark of the beast type "digital certificates". "No vaccines, no job", creepy Bill Gates said!

This creepy clown, evil, psychotic, still greedy enemy of humanity, heavy criminal Bill Gates on the base of vaccination in 
India and Africa must be prosecute and jail for life, together with all "doctors" of junk-science, especially "doctor" of junk-science Fauci, who are directly involved in WHO, CDC, FDA and similar organizations in any country of the Planet, together with nearly all corrupt politicians in UN and any particular country, involved in one of the biggest forced hoax in known history after the Jewish-Roman-Christian story: COVID-19!

The Rockefeller's Lock Step document released in May 2010, showed this entire Plandemic was all Planned and Scripted by the United Nations, World Hell Organization and absolutely useless Doctor of junk-science Fauci's NIAID. Event 201 was a government Training drill held by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 18, 2019.

Never forget that all Training Drills do not end up as False Flag Events, but all False flag events start off with a training drills!

Since the COVID-19 Test Kits have been invented and sold since 2017, you all know for sure the COVID-19 DNA/RNA Altering GMO Vaccination has been as well!

Since the beginning we know the Plandemic - Scamdemic COVID-19 is fake, so what does that tell us about these Test kits and the Planned Mandatory Vaccination? The test kits and vaccinations are not being used to test for or prevent a Flu Virus that is well proven to not exist at all, so just say No to testing and vaccination for this false flag, hoax!

Also, all countries (and all “nowadays” nations) involved with the World Terrorist Organizations, known as United Nations, World Hell Organization, CDC, NIAIDFDA and all local politicians and "doctors" of junk-science in any particular country have been sold their already corrupt miserable souls to the Western "Elite" - the gang of the most evil, psychotic, criminal Western scumbags who planned New World Order Agenda with World's depopulation!

Everything, everything bad always comes from dirty, profoundly sick Western society, especially society of the USA!

Coronavirus SARS CoV-2 z COVID-19

Slovenia, 13.09.2020

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