Monday, January 28, 2013


Alois Kolar

China proverb: "Tower are measured by their shades, great people by their detractors."

What about sharp emotions, such as envy, malice, anger, hatred?
These emotions is believed to be able to affect your health negatively.

Anger that is extreme, persistent, or even violent, can have considerably negative effects beyond just the experience of being angry.

Emotions such as anger, malice and hostility quickly activate the "fight or flight response," in which stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, speed up your heart rate and breathing and give you a burst of energy. Blood pressure also rises as your blood vessels constrict.

Extreme or persistent emotions of anger, hatred can manifest itself in one's bodily health, contributing to physical stress. Frequent anger may even hasten the onset of atherosclerosis, ultimately damaging the arterial walls over time Peripherally, frequent anger can also lead to risky or harmful behaviour.

Envy, malice, anger, hate are not disastrous only for bad relationships, between neighbours, friends, partners, but are detrimental to the one that cares them so faithfully. 

"Retarded, evil, psychotic people always blame someone for what is wrong with them and this is exactly what those people do...!"

Drunkenness and crime of all kinds are extraordinary modes of crises of toxemia. Enforcing temperance or control of crime are bound to fail of the objectives until we learn to re style our lives with the harmony of the nature.

Try your best to live without them, be happy and make other people happy. Life is the only thing we truly have and is very short to, so be happy :)...


- Natural science of health

Planet Earth, 28. 01. 2013