Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Alois Kolar

You're beautiful, but you're empty... No one could die for you. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince"

Good character is fondation of life, if someone do not have it yet, he/she has to built it on the base of kindness, honesty, gentleness, trust and love, if she/he want to be happy and to make other persons happy.
When we talk about relationship or even marriage, problem with physical beauty is that it fades with time. One has to put in huge efforts to delay the inevitable process of aging and consequent impact on health and beauty. All efforts in this direction only give temporary benefits, and the big problem is that no one can live with even exceptional beautiful person, but empty, cold egoist.

To build a solid foundation of kindness, honesty, gentleness, trust and love, with warm personality are the most important ingredient is beautiful character.  At best, such relationship can be termed as fragile or opportunistic and will never be solid and all the time causes a lot of pain to the good one, of course...

That's why good - beautiful character is very important to all of us who want to be happy for life. Of course some persons will be jelous on you and will try to hurt you with dirty, low blows, because of jelousy, envy, they will hate you even they instinctively feel you as a perfect examples for them.
Go ahead, be honest, trustful and love people they deserve your love.

Good luck to all wonderful, honest and trustful people all over the world, life is beautiful..., but short.

La verdadera belleza

Planet Earth, 30.01.2013.